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Mp3_The Chainsmokers Sirenxx - Kanye (Riggi Piros Remix)歌词信息介绍
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Kanye - The Chainsmokers/SirenXX
Written by:Mike Del Ri
I have never wished and hoped
Didn't need a telescope
To see where I am going
I have never been the one
Trying on to hold my tongue
Is my stereo on
One day I'll stand
With a crown on my head
Like a God yeah like a God
With every step no
I won't second guess what I want
I wanna be like Kanye
I'll be the King of me always
Do what I want and have it my way
All day like Kanye-eah yeah yeah
Like Kanye Kanye yeah-ah yeah-ah
I'll be the king of me
Came from a broken home okay
Single momma let me chase
What I was made for
We be out to Paradise
Build on nickels and dimes
I'm entitled to so much more
One day I'll stand with a crown
On my head
Like a God yeah like a God
With every step no
I won't second guess what I want
I wanna be like Kanye
I'll be the King of me always
Do what I want and have it my way
All day like Kanye-eah yeah yeah
I'll be the king of me me me me me
I'll be the king of me me me me
Like Kanye-eah Kanye-eah
Yeah-ah yeah-ah
I have never wished and hoped
Didn't need a telescope
To see where I am going
I have never been the one
Trying on to hold my tongue
Is my stereo on
I wanna be like Kanye-eah
Do what I want and have it my way
I wanna be like Kanye-eah
I'll be the king of
Me me me me me
I'll be the king of
Me me me me
Like Kanye-eah Kanye-eah
Yeah-ah yeah-ah
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