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Mp3_T1esto - The Cha1nsmokers - Spl1t (Only U Or1ginal Mix)歌词信息介绍
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Honest - The Chainsmokers
Written by:Andrew Taggart/Audra Mae/Sean Douglas
Woah woah woah woah
It's 5am and I'm on the radio
I'm supposed to call you but I don't know what to say at all
And there's this girl she wants me to take her home
She don't really love me though I'm just on the radio
And I'm not gonna tell you that I'm over it
Cause I think about it every night I'm not sober
And I know I keep these feelings to myself
Like I don't need nobody else
But you're not the only one on my mind
If I'm being honest
If I'm being honest
You said I should be honest
So I'm being honest
It's 6am I'm so far away from you
I don't want to let you down
What am I supposed to do
It's been three weeks at least now
Since I've been gone
And I don't even like the road
I'm just on the radio
And I'm not gonna tell you that I'm over it
Cause I think about it every night I'm not sober
And I know I keep these feelings to myself
Like I don't need nobody else
But you're not the only one on my mind
If I'm being honest
If I'm being honest
You said I should be honest
So I'm being honest
Woah woah woah woah
Woah woah woah woah
And I'm not gonna tell you that I'm over it
Cause I think about it every night I'm not sober
And I know I keep these feelings to myself
Like I don't need nobody else
But you're not the only one on my mind
If I'm being honest
If I'm being honest
You said I should be honest
So I'm being honest
If I'm being honest
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