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Stand By You - Rachel Platten (瑞秋·普蕾顿)
Written by:Jack Anotonoff/Joy William/Jon Levine/Rechel Platten
Hands put your empty hands in mine
And scars show me all the scars you hide
And hey if your wings are broken
Please take mine so yours can open too
Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Oh tears make a lot of scopes in your eyes
And hurt I know you're hurting but so am I
And love if your wings are broken
Borrow mine so yours can open too
Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we're breaking down
We can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven
I'll walk through Hell with you
Love you're not alone cause
I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven
I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven
I'll walk through Hell with you
Love you're not alone cause
I'm gonna stand by you
Yeah you're all I never knew
I needed
And the hurt sometimes it's unclear why it's bleeding
And love if your wings are broken
We can brave through those emotions too
Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Oh truth I bet truth is what you believe in
And faith I guess faith is helping to reason
No no no love if your wings are broken
Borrow mine so yours can open too
Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we're breaking down
We can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven
I'll walk through Hell with you
Love you're not alone cause
I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven
I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven
I'll walk through Hell with you
Love you're not alone cause
I'm gonna stand by you
And I'll be your eyes when yours can't shine
I'll be your arms I'll be your steady satellite
When you can't rise well I'll cry with you on hands and knees
Cause I will stand by you
Even if we're breaking down
We can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven
I'll walk through Hell with you
Love you're not alone cause
I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven
I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven
I'll walk through Hell with you
Love you're not alone cause
I'm gonna stand by you
Love you're not alone cause
I'm gonna stand by you
I'm gonna stand by you
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