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当前位置:首页 - 舞曲 - club 舞曲 - 19Houzymasterz-IntheNight(SupastarrHouseMix)
所属分类:club 舞曲
文件大小:13.13 MB


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If We Ever Broke Up (Explicit) - Mae Stephens
Lyrics by:Mae Stephens/Gia Koka/Morien van der Tang
Composed by:Mae Stephens/Gia Koka/Morien van der Tang
If you keep wondering
If somebody understands
Darling I dont understand you
If you stay awake at night
Waiting for somebody right
Baby oh your karma is due
Like I would never hate you
But only if you want to
So much time like who knew
Like who knew
Music we got into
Songs we fell in love to
Boy this feels so wrong too
Ah ah ah
If we ever broke up
Id never be sad
Thinking about everything that we had
If we ever broke up
If we ever broke up
Id call your dad
And tell him all the shittiest of things youve said
If we ever broke up
Boy dont get emotional
Cause its not personal
Its just the way just the way it goes
If we ever broke up Id never be sad
Thinking about everything that we had
If we ever broke up
Youre living in Wonderland
If you think Ill understand
All the **** you put me through
If girls in white dresses
And big winter weddings
Is something you want to be true
Then pack up your drama
This selfish dilemma
Is something this **** cant undo
Like I would never hate you
But only if you want to
So much time like who knew
Woah oh
If we ever broke up Id never be sad
Thinking about everything that we had
If we ever broke up
If we ever broke up Id call your dad
And tell him all the shittiest of things youve said
If we ever broke up
Boy dont get emotional
Cause its not personal
Its just the way just the way it goes
If we ever broke up Id never be sad
Thinking about everything that we had
If we ever broke up hahaha
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