1.一定不要错过这个:my prayer
Devotion - My Prayer
Dear god,
I know that she?s out there...the one I?m suppose to share my
whole life with.
And in time...you?ll show her to me.
Will you take care of her, comfort her, and protect her...until
that day we
And let her know...my heart...is beating with hers.
In a dream I hold you close
Embracing you with my hands
You gazed at me with eyes full of love
And made me understand
That I was meant to share it with you
My heart my mind my soul
Then I open my eyes
And all I see reality shows I?m alone
But I know someday that you?ll be by my side
Ruby Rose-Break Free(音乐短片) Ruby Rose(鲁比·洛斯) 她是澳大利亚电台DJ+超模+MTV主持人,公开出柜明星。剪去长发脱去高跟,穿上西装叼起香烟,极端妖媚,让女人也为之心动! 她剪去长发卸掉妆容,洗出纹身,穿上西装,尤其是洗掉身上的粉底露出纹身的那段,你能感受到她那种终于挣脱躯壳的放肆笑容,从极端妩媚到极端帅气,美到令人窒息。