生日日期: 1975年6月1日
出生地: Nashville, Tennessee, USA
身高: 6呎1吋 (1.85 m)
体重: 229磅 (103 kg)
接受谁人训练: Slash
首次登台日期: 1997年
绰号: Tennessee Cowboy
Andy Douglas (TNA) (2004)
Brian Lee (TNA) (2002 u2013 2003
Cassidy O Reilly (TNA) (2004)
Chase Stevens (TNA) (2004)
Christopher Daniels (TNA) (2003 - 2004)
Elix Skipper/Primetime (TNA) (2003 - 2004)
Father James Mitchell (TNA) (2002 - 2003)
Johnny Swinger (TNA) (2003)
Kid Kash & Dallas (TNA)
Low-Ki (TNA) (2003)
Matt Bentley (TNA)
Simon Diamond (TNA) (2003)
Slash (TNA) (2002 - 2003)
Team Canada (TNA)
The Natural (TNA)
Vince Russo (TNA)
终结技: Eight Second Ride
The Swinging Noose
[年份] 腰带
[10/11/2005 - CURRENT] NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion (w/ Chris Harris)
[01/16/2005 - 04/26/2005] NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion (w/ Chris Harris)
[09/21/2004 - 10/12/2004] NWA World Tag Team Champion (w/ Christopher Daniels)
[06/03/2004 - 07/07/2004] NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion (w/ Chris Harris)
[06/25/2003 - 08/27/2003] NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion (w/ Chris Harris)
[01/08/2003 - 01/22/2003] NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion (w/ Chris Harris)
[09/18/2002 - 11/13/2002] NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion (w/ Chris Harris)
[06/26/2004 - 02/05/2005] NWA CyberSpace (CSWF) Tag Team Champion (w/ James Stome)
[02/10/2001 - Title disbanded] MCW North American Tag-Team Champion (w/ Shane Eden)
PWI 500名摔角手排名:
名次: 年份
71 (2005)
64 (2004)
77 (2003)
2004 PWI Tag-Team of the Year (America s Most Wanted) (2004 年最佳双打组合)
作为TNA元老之一,“牛仔”James Storm从联盟诞生之日起便在TNA的擂台上留下了足迹。掌握多种摔角风格的Storm将自己看做IMPACT WRESTLING Beer喝啤酒冠军。Storm曾是IMPACT WRESTLING史上最具统治力双打组合Beer Money成员之一,与搭档Bobby Roode一共4次摘下TNA世界双打冠军。Bound for Glory 2011后,在Roode的重赛要求被拒绝的前提下,Storm得到了挑战冠军的机会并抓住了它,从Kurt Angle手中夺得了职业生涯首条世界重量级冠军腰带。感到不快的Bobby Roode在随后的冠军赛以不光彩的形式击败了James Storm,Beer Money也就此宣告解散。在失去了冠军和朋友之后,Storm离开了擂台一段时间,但现在,牛仔已经回归并且准备复仇。