
1982年毕业于中国科学技术大学地球物理学专业,获地球物理学理学学士学位;1985年毕业于国家地震局(现中国地震局)地球物理所,获固体地球物理学力学硕士学位;1991年毕业于美国南加州大学地球科学系,获地球物理学理学博士学位。1996年受聘任北京大学地球物理学教授,现任中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学学院教授。先后在南加州地震研究中心、加州大学圣塔库兹分校、斯坦福大学地球物理学系、内华达州立大学雷诺分校地震学实验室、日本广岛大学地球与行星科学系、京都大学防灾研究所、东京大学地震研究所、台湾中央研究院地球科学研究所等单位从事研究工作与学术交流。现任北京大学地球与空间科学学院地球物理学系主任,中国地震学会常务理事兼任地震专业委员会主任,中国地球物理学会理事,国际地震学与地球内部物理学联合会 (IASPEI) 波传播专业委员会成员,IASPEI中国委员会副主席,地震学报副主编,科学通报特邀编委,地球物理学报等学报编委。
从事地震波传播理论及震源理论研究。提出了计算地震波在不规则(二维)层状地球介质中的激发与传播问题的系统的方法;由于该方法突破了基于瑞利假设的 Aki-Larner方法对界面弯曲幅度的限制,也适用于界面弯曲幅度较大的问题。系统地研究了横向非均匀地球介质中勒夫波(Love面波)的激发与传播的理论问题,提出了存在于横向非均匀地球介质中的变形振型及频散曲面的概念,并在此基础上建立了完整、精确地描述横向非均匀地球介质中地震面波的激发与传播的理论公式。提出了一种系统简洁、高效而精确的计算平行层状地球介质中面波频散及简正振型的理论方法,从根本上彻底解决了经典Haskell矩阵算法中的高频精度丢失问题。改进与完善了经典的计算平行层状介质中理论地震图的算法理论。近年承担了科技部、教育部、国家自然科学基金委员会各类科研项目多项。发表学术论文被SCI、 EI收录30余篇。
1.出生时间、出生地:1958 辽宁
学士(1982), 中国科学技术大学 地球与空间科学系
硕士(1985), 国家地震局地球物理研究所、中国科技大学研究生院(北京)
博士(1991), 美国 南加州大学 地球科学系
Research Assistant(1986-1991),University of Southern California,USA
Postdoctoral Research Associate(1992-1993),University of Southern California,USA
Research Associate(1994-1996),University of Southern California,USA
Visiting Assistant Researcher (1996),University of California,Santa Cruz,USA
Visiting Scholar(1996),Stanford University,USA
Professor(1996- ),Peking University,China
Visiting Professor(1996,1998,2001),Kyoto University,Japan
Visiting Professor(1997),Institute of Earth Sciences, Academic Sinica in Taiwan
Visiting Professor(1997),University of Southern California,USA
Visiting Professor(2000),Kansas State University,USA
"Chang Jiang Scholar" Professor(2000-), Ministry of Education, China
1.主要研究方向: 65976 455
2.目前主持的主要科研课题: 课
教育部地球科学教学指导委员会委员、地球物理与地质学教学指导委员会 副主任
中国地球物理学会 计算地球物理学专业委员会召集人
Refereed Journal Articles
(1) Aki K, Chen XF and Zeng YH,(1986). Three-dimensional vector wavefield imaging of seismic sources in arbitrarily anisotropic and heterogeneous elastic media, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am.,76, 1479-1483.
(2) Chen YT, Chen XF and Knopoff L,(1987). Spontaneous growth and autonmous contraction of a two- dimensional earthquake fault, Tectonophysics, 144,5-17.
(3) Chen XF,(1990). Seismogram synthesis for multi-layered media with irregular interfaces by global reflection/ transmission matrices method-I. Theory of 2-D SH case, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 80,1696-1724.
(4) Chen XF and Aki K,(1991). General coherence functions of amplitude and phase fluctuations in randomly heterogeneous medium, Geophys. J. Int., 105,155-162.
(5) Chen XF,(1993). A systematic and efficient method of computing normal modes for multi-layered half-space, Geophys. J. Int., 115,391-409.
(6) Chen XF,(1995). Seismogram synthesis for multi-layered media with irregular interfaces by global reflection/transmission matrices method--II. Applications for two-dimensional SH case, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 85, 1094-1106.
(7) Al-fares M and Chen XF,(1995). Recursive estimation in geophysical inverse problems, Arabian J. Sci. and Eng., 20, 111-128.
(8) Chen XF, Quan YL and Harris JM,(1996). Seismogram synthesis for radially multi-layered media using the generalized reflection/transmission coefficients method: Theory and application to acoustic logging, Geophysics, 61(4), 1150-1159.
(9) Chen XF,(1996). Seismogram synthesis for multi-layered media with irregular interfaces by global reflection/transmission matrices method--III. Theory for P-SV case, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 86, 389-405.
(10) Chen XF and Aki K,(1996). An effective approach to determine the dynamic source parameters, PAGEOPH, 146, 689-696.
(11) Chen XF,(1999). Love Waves in Multi-layered Media with Irregular interfaces, I. Modal solution and Excitation formulation, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 89 (6), 1519-1534.
(12) Chen XF,(1999). Seismogram synthesis in multi-layered half-space, Part I. Theoretical formulations, Earthquake Research in China, 13, 149-174.
(13) Wang HJ, Liu FT and Chen XF,(2000). P waveu2019s polarization tomography, Progress in Geophys, 15(3): 7-13.
(14) Liu FT, Hu G, Wang HJ, Chen XF and You QY,(2001). Inversion of single-station teleseismic P-wave polarization data for the velocity structure of Beijing area, Science in China (D), 44, 256-265.
(15) Chen XF and Zhang HM,(2001). An efficient method for computing Greenu2019s functions for a layered half-space at large epicentral distances, Bull. Seismo.Soc. Am., 91(4): 858-869.
(16) Zhang HM and Chen XF,(2001). Self-adaptive Filon's integration method and its applications to computing synthetic seismograms, Chinese.Phys.Lett., 18 (3), 313-315.
(17) Zhu LB, Xu Q and Chen XF,(2001). Application of conformal mapping in regional surface wave group velocity inversion, Chinese J. Geophys., 44 (1), 64-71
(18) Chen WT and Chen XF, (2001). Modal solutions in stratified multi-layered fluid-solid half-space, Science in China (D), 31(9): 712-718.
(19) Zhou SY, Xu ZH and Chen XF,(2001). Analysis on The Seismogenesis of the Jiashi swarm,Natural Science in Progress, 11(9): 999-1004.
(20) Zhou SY, Xu ZH and Chen XF,(2001). Analysis on the source characteristics of the 1997 Jiashi swarm, Western China, Chinese J. Geophys., 44(5): 654-662.
(21) Zhang HM, Chen XF and Chang SH,(2001). Peak-trough averaging method and its application to calculation of synthetic seismograms with shallow focus, Chinese J. Geophys., 44(6):812-824.
(22) Tian Y and Chen XF,(2002). Review of seismic location study, Progress in Geophysics, 17(1):147-155.
(23) Zhu LB, Xu Q and Chen XF,(2002). Group Velocity of Rayleigh wave in Chinese continent and its adjacent seas, Chinese J. Geophys,45(4): 475-482.
(24) Zhang J, Zhang HM and Chen XF,(2002). Study on the Characteristics of Head waves in vertically heterogeneous media, Acta Seismologica Sinica, 15(6): 585-594.
(25) Zou ZH and Chen XF,(2003). Mapping the S-wave velocity structure with SV-component receiver function method, Acta Seismologica Sinica, 16(1):16-25.
(26) Zhang HM, Chen XF and Chang SH,(2003). An efficient Numerical Method for computing synthetic seismograms for a layered half-space with source and receivers at closed or same depths, PAGEOPH, 160(3/4): 467-486.
(27) Zhou SY, Chen XF, (2003). Inversion of near-field waveform data for earthquake source rupture process (I): Method and numerical test,SCIENCE IN CHINA (D),46 (11): 1089-1102
(28) Cao J,Zhang J, Ge ZX and Chen XF,(2004). A comparative study on seismic wave methods for multi-layered media with irregular interfaces: Irregular topography problem, CHINESE J GEOPHYS, 47 (3): 495-503
(29) Zhou SY, Irikura K, Chen XF, (2004). Analysis of the reliability and resolution of the earthquake source history inferred from waveforms, taking the Chi-Chi earthquake as an example,GEOPHYS J INT,157 (3): 1217-1232
(30) He YF, Chen XF and Zhang HM,(2005). The excitation of Lg wave by underground nuclear explosions,CHINESE J GEOPHYS, 48 (2): 367-372
(31) He YongFeng, Chen XF, He YaoFeng; Jin P,(2005). Generation of null in Rg wave by underground explosions, CHINESE J GEOPHYS, 48(3): 643-648
(32) He YF, Chen XF, (2005). Source time-function as discriminant using empirical Green's function. Science in China (D), 48 (12): 2118-2122
(33) Tian Y and Chen XF,(2005). A rapid and accurate two-point ray tracing method in horizontally layered velocity model,Acta Seismologica Sinica, 18(2): 154-161
(34) He YF, Chen XF and Zhang HM, (2005). Effect of spall on Lg waves, Acta Seismologica Sinica, 18(3): 331-337
(35) Zhou SY and Chen XF, (2006). Inversion of near-field waveform data for earthquake source rupture process (II): Application to 9.21 Chi-Chi earthquake, Sciences in China (D), 36(1): 49-58.
(36) Zhou H and Chen XF, (2006). Study on frequency responses of topography with different scales due to incident SH wave,Chinese J Geophys, 49 (1): 205-211.
(37) Zhou H and Chen XF, (2006). A new approach to simulate scattering of SH waves by an irregular topography, Geophys J int, 164 (2): 449-459
(38) Zhang HM and Chen XF, (2006). Dynamic rupture on a planar fault in three-dimensional half space u2013 I. Theory, Geophys J int, 164(3): 633-652
(39) Zhang HM and Chen XF, (2006). Dynamic rupture on a planar fault in three-dimensional half space u2013 II. Validations and numerical experiemnts, Geophys J int, 167(2): 917-932
(40) Chen XF and Zhang HM, (2006). Modelling rupture dynamics of a planar fault in 3D half-space by boundary integral equation method: An overview, Pure and Applied Geophys.,163(2/3): 267-299.
(41) Tian Y and Chen XF, (2006). Simultaneous inversion of hypocenters and velocity using the quasi-Newton method and trust region method, Chinese J. Geophys., 49(3): 845-854.
(42) He YF, Chen WT and Chen XF, (2006). Normal mode computation by the generalized reflection-transmission coefficient method in planar layered half space, Chinese J. Geophys., 49(4): 1074-1081.
(43) Zhou LQ, Liu FT and Chen XF, (2006). Simultaneous tomography of 3-D velocity structure and interface, Chinese J. Geophys., 49(4): 1062-1067.
(44) Zhang W and Chen XF, (2006). Traction Image Method for Irregular Free Surface Boundaries in Finite Difference Seismic Wave Simulation, Geophys. J. int., 167(1): 337-353.
Proceedings and Reports
(1) Chen XF, Alfares M and Aki K, (1993). Imaging the shape of an elastic inclusion by T-matrix method, in Mathematical Methods in Geophysical Imaging, San Diego, pp 109-123.
(2) Quan YL and Chen XF, (1994), "Seismogram synthesis for radially multi-layerd media using the generalized R/T coefficients method", Stanford University Annual Seismic Tomography Project Report, Vol. 5, 31-46.
(3) Chen X F and Aki K, (1994). Energy transfer theory of seismic surface waves in a random and absorption half-space medium, Proc. of 15th Annual Seismic Research Symposium, 58-64.
(4) Quan Y L, Chen X F and Harris J M, (1994). Acoustic attenuation logging using centroid frequency shift and amplitude ratio methods: A numerical study, 64th Intern. SEG meeting Expanded Abstract, pp 8-11, Los Angeles.
(5) Chen X F, Quan Y L and Harris J M, (1994). Theory of seismogram synthesis for radially multi-layered media, 64th Intern. SEG meeting Expanded Abstract, pp 5-8, Los Angeles.
(6) Quan Y L, Chen X F and Harris J M, (1995). Normal modes in radially layered media and application to attenuation estimation from the stimulated mode acoustic log, 65th Intern. SEG Meeting Expanded Abstract, pp12-15, Huston.
(7) Quan Y L, Chen X F Chen and Harris J M, (1996). Elastic waves in radially symmetric media, 66th Intern. SEG Meeting Expanded Abstract, pp17-20.
(8) Quan Y L and Chen X F, (1995), Synthesis of elastic waves in radially layered media with vertical variations, Stanford University Annual Seismic Tomography Project Report, Vol. 6, 23-36.
(9) Chen X F and Quan Y L 1995, Reflection and transmission coefficients in porous media, Stanford University Annual Seismic Tomography Project Report , Vol. 6, 17-31.
(10) Chen X F and Y L Quan, (1995). Reflection and transmission coefficients in porous media and its applications in AVO analysis, Stanford University Annual Seismic Tomography Project Report, Vol.6, pp E1-E10.
(11) Quan Y L and Chen X F, (1995). Normal modes in radialy layered media and application to attenuation estimation, Stanford University Annual Seismic Tomography Project Report, Vol.6, pp D1-D10.
(12) Chen X F, Quan Y L, and Harris J M, (1996). Seismic wave propagation and attenuation in heterogeneous porous media, Stanford University Annual Seismic Tomography Project Report, Vol. 7, No.1, L1-L20.
(13) Chen X F and Chen Y T, (1999). Review on Studies of Seismic waves propagation and physics of Earthquake source, China National Report on Seismology and Physics of the Earthu2019s Interior for the XXIInd General Assembly of IUGG99, 1-15.
(14) Ge ZX and Chen XF, (1998). Study on the applicability of seismic wave theory for 1-D media to problems in 2-D lateral heterogeneous media, Chundanji (Congratulations on Prof. Liu Guang-Ding's Fifty Anniversary in Geophysical Academia), 681-691.
(15) Yuan HY and Chen XF, (1998). Study on Zhangbei-Sangyi Earthquake (1998) by Using Surface Wave Gaussian Beams Method, Chundanji (Congratulations on Prof. Liu Guang-Ding's Fifty Anniversary in Geophysical Academia), 755-776.
(16) Chen XF (1998). Seismogram Synthesis: Theory and applications, IUGG/SSB International Training Course on Continental Earthquakes and Seismic Hazard, China Seismological Press.