博士,硕士生导师。2004年9月至2007年7月在山西大学化学生物学与分子工程教育部重点实验室就读博士研究生。师从国家级专家杨频教授。从事超分子组装化学,有机不对称催化等领域的研究。曾获“第九届“挑战杯”飞利浦全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖”、“第五届“挑战杯” 飞利浦中国大学生创业计划竞赛铜奖”、“太原市第三届青少年发明创新一等奖”等荣誉。2007年7月获理学博士学位,并留校任教于山西大学应用化学研究所。在国内外SCI核心期刊发表论文30余篇,已申报中国发明专利5项。 研究兴趣 超分子组装化学、不对称催化、绿色有机化学、生物无机化学、传感器 发表论文 “A novel Ou2013Zn bridging polymer complex of 2,6-bis- 4-methylphenolate” ,Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Fang-Jun Huo, Fei Gao, Acta Crystallography section C , 2008, 64, m67-m69. “Bis[2-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-benzimidazole-κ2N2,N3]zinc(II)bis(perchlorate) ”, Jine Zhang, Yanping Li, Fang-Jun Huo, Zhi-Gang Zhang, Acta Crystallography section E,2008,64, m182-m184. “The crystal structure, self-assembly, DNA-banding and cleavage studies of the[2]pseudo orotaxane composed of cucurbit[6]uril”, Fang-Jun Huo, Caixia Yin, Pin Yang, Bioorg. Med.Chem. Letts., 2007, 17(4), 932-936. “The [2]pesudorotaxanes molecules composed of cucurbit[6]uril and diimidazolyl hexane as nucleic acids cleavage agents” , Fang-Jun Huo, Caixia Yin, Pin Yang, Chem. J. Chin. U.,2007, 28(5), 894-896. “Self-Assembly of a [2]Pseudorotaxane Composed of Cucurbit[6]uril into Linear Pseudopolyrotaxanes by N—H…O, C—H…O and π…π Interactions” , Fang-Jun Huo, Caixia Yin, Pin Yang, J. Inclu. Pheno. Macro. Chem., 2006,56, 193-196. “UV-Vis spectroscopic study directly detecting inorganic phosphorus in urine and our reagent kit”, Caixia Yin, Fang-Jun Huo, Pin Yang, Anal Bioanal Chem, 2006, 384, 774-779. “Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Inorganic Phosphate from Human Urine and Serum by Yb(Ⅲ) Ion and Pyrocatechol Violet” , Cai-Xia Yin, Fang-Jun Huo, Pin Yang, Chem. J. Chinese. U., 2006, 27(10), 1849-1852. “A oxonium hydrogen sulfate of 1,5-Diphenylglycoluril” , Fang-Jun Huo, Caixia Yin, Pin Yang, Acta Crystallography section C,2005, 61, o500-o502, “3,3a-Dihydro-2H-cyclopentachromen-1-ones from the reaction of salicylaldehydes and 2-cyclopenten-1-one”,Fang-Jun Huo, Caixia Yin, Pin Yang, Acta Crystallography section C,2005, 61, o332-o335, “Applying Yb3+ Ion as a Simple and Sensitive Probe to Detect Phosphate-contaning Derivatives in Aqueous Solution”, Caixia Yin, Fei Gao, Fang-Jun Huo, Pin Yang,Chem. Commun., 2004, 934-935. “An ion-based chromogenic detecting method for phosphate-containing derivatives in physiological condition”, Caixia Yin, Fang-Jun Huo, Pin Yang, Sensors and Actuators B chemica, 2005, 109, 291u2013299. “A Convenient Synthesis of 1-Tosyl-3,4-Dimethyl Imidazolium Salt and N,N,Nu2019- TrisubstitutedEthylendiamine Derivatives”, Dong-Hong Li, Jun-Sheng Hao, Bing Deng, Wei Guo, Fang-Jun Huo, YongBin Zhang, Chi-Zhong Xia, Synthetic Communications, 2004, 34, 3535u20133543. “一种基于瓜环的核酸切割剂”, 霍方俊, 阴彩霞, 杨频, 申请号: 200610048393.9 “一种检测血液中磷酸根的方法”, 阴彩霞, 杨频,霍方俊, 专利号: ZL 200410088432.9 “一种检测目视检测尿液中无机磷的方法及其试剂盒”, 阴彩霞, 杨频,霍方俊, 专利号: ZL 200510012445.2 “一种检测尿液中磷酸根的方法”, 杨频, 阴彩霞, 霍方俊, 专利号: ZL 200410012448.1 “一种检测奶中磷酸根的方法”, 阴彩霞, 霍方俊, 杨频, 申请号: 200610012761.4 科研项目 参加完成了国家自然科学基金 “四氢异喹啉衍生的仿生有机合成新方法研究”; 山西省自然科学基金 “环二肽催化的不对称Baylis-Hillman(BH)反应研究 ”; 山西省青年科技基金 “四氢异喹啉类生物碱的仿生有机合成研究”;更新日期:2025-02-23