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(池森秀一曾用“SHU”的名字发售过几张个人CD,以R&B曲风为主,推荐电影 “我的野蛮女友”中一首插曲 “ANOTHER LIFE”,此歌曲由他所演唱,在电影原声CD中可以找到)


























他们……只有一个名字——DEEN !

看过《名侦探柯南》TV版的朋友一定还记得那首"没有你的夏天"(君がいない夏),由小松未步创作的那首“没有你的夏天”(君がぃなぃ夏)由DEEN乐队演唱,夹杂在诸多女歌手中的DEEN乐队主唱的男性独特充满磁性的清亮嗓音和为片尾曲所配极具隐含意义的画面都留在了大家的脑海中。DEEN演绎这首歌时将小兰对与新一一起的美好时光的怀念表达得非常到位,"那难以忘怀的甜蜜夏日,已经是多久以前的往事了!充满爱恋的笑靥,仿佛还近在昨天……啊 我平静地祈求回到那再也追不回的过去时光",词曲兼备,是动漫迷公认的上佳之作。DEEN还为《中华一番》演唱了第三代片头曲""(君さえいれば)。在2008年DEEN再次为传说系列中的《心灵传说》演唱了主题曲“永远的明日”,让这一部不俗的作品更加出彩。



1993年02月26日 美声乐队DEEN以单曲[このまま君だけを夺い去りたい]出道,销量突破百万

1993年 DEEN获93年最佳新人奖

1994年09月14日 DEEN的第一张专辑[DEEN]发售,销量过百万,第一张单曲和第一张专辑都能过百万,DEEN是Being的第一个

DEEN的走红在我看来是必然的。出道曲このまま君だけを夺い去りたい便为上杉升作词,织田哲郎作曲,叶山 たけし编曲。此时上杉已凭借与中山美穗合作的世界中の谁よりきっと出名,又有Being铁三角中织田哲郎、叶山武(たけし)两位参与,加上池森本身的实力,突破百万纯属正常。之后的5首单曲都由叶山武(たけし)编曲,作曲不是织田就是栗林诚一郎,作词方面也多次请到了坂井泉水。其中,翼を広げて和声阵容强大,Memories也由大黑摩季参与和声。以上诸多因素巩固了DEEN在乐坛的地位。(在前6张单曲中,只有瞳そらさないで登上了榜单的首位,Being还是有许多出道较早的乐队在DEEN前面的)


1998年 DEEN代表作梦であるように(《宿命传说》)获98年度PS最佳主题曲奖



1998年05月27日 DEEN推出单曲[君さえいれば]后退出B-Gram,加入RCAアリオラジャパン

2001年末 DEEN加入BMGファンハウス唱片公司

RCAアリオラジャパン和BMG和Being有着密切的关系,DEEN仍属于Being Other artists一栏,不能说是完全脱离。以前看到一种说法,DEEN离开B-Gram(Being)是为了尝试更多的音乐风格。就现在的事实看,这种说法没错,至于是否全面就不清楚了。在B-Gram时代,DEEN的曲风主要为抒情摇滚、流行摇滚,还有些拉丁摇滚,进入BMG后,出现更多的是爵士摇滚。为什么不在B-Gram中多次尝试这种风格呢?就我看来,最大的因素是公司。上杉退出WANDS、离开Being最大的原因就是公司的限制,他无法做自己喜欢的音乐(和上杉自己的性格也有关系)。DEEN可能也有这个因素。最近越来越发现了Being的商业化,以前走神秘路线也可能是宣传的一种方式,而现在这条路已经走不通,摇滚乐也没过去那么红火,此时的Being已经大大不及90年代初期时的Being,摇滚的主导地位已被其他音乐类型取代,要生存必须迎合市场的需求,因此现在Giza的大批艺人已不是Being过去的风格了。DEEN加入BMG是明智的,Being现在将大量的人力、物力都投入了Giza,就算留在B-Gram也不能得到很好的照顾。进入BMG后,DEEN在韩国的人气也有所提高,这对他们来说是件好事。但老实说,近年的曲风转变并不算成功。


1.DEEN 1994.9.14

2.I wish 1996.9.9

3.DEEN SINGLES+1 1998.3.18

4.The DAY 1998.12.16

5.’need love 2000.5.24

6.Ballads in Blue~The greatest hits of DEEN~ 2001.6.6

7.和音~Songs for children~ 2002.3.6

8.pray 2002.11.20

9.UTOPIA 2003.11.5

10.ROAD CRUISIN’ 2004.8.18

11.DEEN The Best キセキ 2005.11.23

12.Diamonds 2006.10.11

13.DEEN The Best クラシックス 2007.12.19

14.DEEN PERFECT SINGLES+(プラス) 2008.6.4

15.DEEN at 武道馆~15th Anniversary Greatest Singles Live~ 2008.9.3

16.DEEN NEXT STAGE 2009.2.25

17.LOVERS CONCERTO 2009.12.2

18.クロール 2010.7.28

19.Graduation 2011.6.15

DEEN乐队英文介绍 about DEEN in English

Deen (ディーン Dīn) is a Japanese popular music band, formed in 1993. Members frequently changed until the release of first album, and from there Deen had 4 members, vocalist Shuichi Ikemori, keyboardist and leader Koji Yamane, guitarist Shinji Tagawa and drummer Naoki Utsumoto. In January 2000, Utsumoto left the group. The band has sold over 15 million compact discs.

Contents [hide]

1 History

2 Discography

2.1 Singles

2.1.1 Classics

2.2 Albums

2.3 VHS

2.4 DVD

3 References

4 External links

[edit] History

In the "being" agency, Show Wesugi (original vocalist with Wands) and Tetsuro Oda made song Konomama Kimidake wo Ubaisaritai (lit. "Now, I want to make off with only you"). The group was formed for singing this song. The band debuted by the single on March 10, 1993. The single sold over a million copies. Their 1994 song Hitomi Sorasanaide (lit. "Don’t Avert Your Eyes"), written by Izumi Sakai and Tetsuro Oda, reached number-one position on the Japan’s Oricon charts. Their first album Deen sold over a million units.

The group originally seemed to be just a project, but they began to perform live in 1996. They also began to release their self-produced singles, but their sales declined. Their 1997 song Yume de Aru Youni (lit. "hope that it will be a dream"), written by themselves, was adopted by Tales of Destiny. It was no longer able to reach Top 10 on the Oricon charts. But for fans, this song remained most popular over a decade.

In 1998, they partly moved to BMG Japan under the Berg label, which consisted of the "being" agency artists. Since their 1999 single "Just One", almost all singles has been produced by them. They introduced classical music into their music. In 2002, they released a cover song of Kyu Sakamoto, Miagete goran yoru no hoshi wo, featured solo violinist Diana Yukawa. They began to call their style "Neo-AOR" after album Pray. They completely moved from the "being" agency to BMG Japan in 2003. Their next album Utopia enlisted the help of Al Schmitt. In 2006, baseball manager Bobby Valentine participated in the music video of their song Diamond.

On June 8, 2008, they performed their first live concert at the Nippon Budokan. On December 10, 2008, they released the single Eien no Ashita (lit. "Eternal Tomorrow"), adopted by Tales of Hearts. The single debuted at #6 on the Oricon weekly single charts. It was their highest position after 1996.

[edit] Discography

[edit] Singles

’Konomama Kimidake wo Ubaisaritai’ (10 March 1993)

’Tsubasa wo Hirogete’ (17 July 1993)

’Memories’ (22 September 1993)

’Eien wo Azuketekure’ (28 November 1993)

’Hitomi Sorasanaide’ (22 June 1994)

’Teenage dream’ (27 March 1995)

’Mirai no Tame ni’ (19 June 1995)

’Love Forever’ (11 December 1995)

’Hitori ja Nai’ (15 April 1996) (Dragon Ball GT’s ending theme song)

’Sunshine on Summer Time’ (1 July 1996)

’Sugao de Waratteitai’ (5 August 1996)

’Kimi ga Inai Natsu’ (27 August 1997) (Detective Conan’s 4th Ending theme song)

’Yume de Aru Youni’ (17 December 1997) (Tales of Destiny’s theme song)

’Toi Sora de’ (18 February 1998)

’Kimi Sae Ireba’ (27 May 1998) (Cooking Master Boy’s 3rd opening song)

’Tegotae no Nai Ai’ (18 November 1998)

’Toi Toi Mirai he’ (25 March 1999)

’Just One’ (23 July 1999)

’My Love’ (3 November 1999)

’Power of Love’ (19 April 2000)

’Kanashimi no Mukogawa’ (15 November 2000)

’Miagetegoran Yoru no Hoshi wo’ featuring Diana Yukawa (30 January 2002)

’Yume de Aetara’ (22 May 2002)

’Birthday eve Dareyorimo Hayai Ai no Uta’ (2 October 2002)

’Tsubasa wo Kaze ni Nosete -fly away-’ (2 April 2003) - A special first print had a movie of ’Birthday eve Dareyorimo Hayai Ai no Uta’ at a live performance in Shibuya Kokaido on December 29, 2002

’Taiyō to Hanabira’ (13 August 2003) - A special first print had a promotional movie of ’Tsubasa wo Kaze ni Nosete -fly away-’

’Yutopia ha Miterunoni’ (1 October 2003) - A special first edition had three additional movie clips

’Reru no Nai Sora he’ (28 April 2004) - A special first edition had an 8 song DVD album of a live performance in Seoul

’Strong Soul’ (30 June 2004) - A special first edition had a two song and movie in additional DVD.

’Ai no kane ga sekai ni hibikimasu youni’ (22 December 2004) - Deen with Yuka Kamebuchi & The Voices of Japan

’Konomama Kimidake wo Ubaisaritai/Tsubasa wo Hirogete’ (26 October 2005)

’Starting Over’ (24 May 2006)

’Diamond’ (2 August 2006)

’Eien no Ashita’ (10 December 2008) (Tales of Hearts theme song)

[edit] Classics

’Classics One White Christmas Time’ (November 25, 1999)

’Classics Two Sepia Aki Zakura -more & more-’ (September 13, 2000)

’Classics Three Pastel Yume no Tsubomi’ (April 25, 2007)

’Classics Four Blue Smile Blue’ (August 22, 2007)

[edit] Albums

Deen (14 September 1994)

I wish (9 September 1996)

Deen Singles + 1 (18 March 1998)

The Day (16 December 1998)

’Need Love (24 May 2000)

Ballad in Blue : The greatest hits of Deen (6 June 2001)

Waon -Songs for children- (6 March 2002)

Pray (20 November 2002)

Utopia (5 November 2003) - A special first print with two making movies in USA

Road Crusin’ (18 August 2004) - A special first print with a 6 movie clips in a DVD

Deen The Best Kiseki (23 November 2005)

Diamonds (11 October 2006)

The Best Classics (25 December 2007)

[edit] VHS

Deen Live Joy Special Yokohama Arena (21 June 2000)

on&off -tour document of ’need love- (6 June 2001)

on&off -tour document of unplugged live & recordings- (20 November 2001)

Greatest Clips 1993-1998 (2 April 2003)

Greatest Clips 1998-2002 (2 April 2003)

[edit] DVD

Deen Live Joy Special Yokohama Arena (6 June 2001)

on&off -tour document of ’need love- (6 June 2001)

on&off -tour document of unplugged live & recordings- (20 November 2001)

Greatest Clips 1993-1998 (2 April 2003)

Greatest Clips 1998-2002 (2 April 2003)

[edit] References

^ (Japanese) "Deen Interview vol.1". IY Card Service Co. (2008). Retrieved on 2008-12-12.

^ (Japanese) "List of million sellers in 1993". Recording Industry Association of Japan. Retrieved on 2008-12-15.

^ (Japanese) "瞳そらさないで". Oricon. Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "List of million sellers in 1994". Recording Industry Association of Japan. Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "梦であるように". Oricon. Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "DEEN?池森「心と心のつながり意识」…新曲「永远の明日」10日発売". Sports Hochi (2008-12-09). Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "DEEN biography". Barks. Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "Interview with DEEN". Excite Music (2003). Retrieved on 2008-12-15.

^ (Japanese) "Special u2013 DEEN". Biglobe (2006-10-20). Retrieved on 2008-12-15.

^ (Japanese) "DEEN、武道馆で感涙のオーディエンス". Barks (2008-06-09). Retrieved on 2008-12-23.

^ (Japanese) "Oricon Weekly Single Charts for the fourth week of December 2008". Oricon. Retrieved on 2008-12-16.

^ (Japanese) "DEEN、12年ぶりの快挙! 新曲がオリコン6位ランクイン". goo (2008-12-18). Retrieved on 2008-12-23.



1.DEEN 1994.9.14

2.I wish 1996.9.9

3.DEEN SINGLES+1 1998.3.18

4.The DAY 1998.12.16

5.’need love 2000.5.24

6.Ballads in Blue~The greatest hits of DEEN~ 2001.6.6

7.和音~Songs for children~ 2002.3.6

8.pray 2002.11.20

9.UTOPIA 2003.11.5

10.ROAD CRUISIN’ 2004.8.18

11.DEEN The Best キセキ 2005.11.23

12.Diamonds 2006.10.11

13.DEEN The Best クラシックス 2007.12.19

14.DEEN PERFECT SINGLES+(プラス) 2008.6.4

15.DEEN at 武道馆~15th Anniversary Greatest Singles Live~ 2008.9.3

16.DEEN NEXT STAGE 2009.2.25

17.LOVERS CONCERTO 2009.12.2

18.クロール 2010.7.28

19.Graduation 2011.6.15

DEEN乐队英文介绍 about DEEN in English

Deen (ディーン Dīn) is a Japanese popular music band, formed in 1993. Members frequently changed until the release of first album, and from there Deen had 4 members, vocalist Shuichi Ikemori, keyboardist and leader Koji Yamane, guitarist Shinji Tagawa and drummer Naoki Utsumoto. In January 2000, Utsumoto left the group. The band has sold over 15 million compact discs.

Contents [hide]

1 History

2 Discography

2.1 Singles

2.1.1 Classics

2.2 Albums

2.3 VHS

2.4 DVD

3 References

4 External links

[edit] History

In the "being" agency, Show Wesugi (original vocalist with Wands) and Tetsuro Oda made song Konomama Kimidake wo Ubaisaritai (lit. "Now, I want to make off with only you"). The group was formed for singing this song. The band debuted by the single on March 10, 1993. The single sold over a million copies. Their 1994 song Hitomi Sorasanaide (lit. "Don’t Avert Your Eyes"), written by Izumi Sakai and Tetsuro Oda, reached number-one position on the Japan’s Oricon charts. Their first album Deen sold over a million units.

The group originally seemed to be just a project, but they began to perform live in 1996. They also began to release their self-produced singles, but their sales declined. Their 1997 song Yume de Aru Youni (lit. "hope that it will be a dream"), written by themselves, was adopted by Tales of Destiny. It was no longer able to reach Top 10 on the Oricon charts. But for fans, this song remained most popular over a decade.

In 1998, they partly moved to BMG Japan under the Berg label, which consisted of the "being" agency artists. Since their 1999 single "Just One", almost all singles has been produced by them. They introduced classical music into their music. In 2002, they released a cover song of Kyu Sakamoto, Miagete goran yoru no hoshi wo, featured solo violinist Diana Yukawa. They began to call their style "Neo-AOR" after album Pray. They completely moved from the "being" agency to BMG Japan in 2003. Their next album Utopia enlisted the help of Al Schmitt. In 2006, baseball manager Bobby Valentine participated in the music video of their song Diamond.

On June 8, 2008, they performed their first live concert at the Nippon Budokan. On December 10, 2008, they released the single Eien no Ashita (lit. "Eternal Tomorrow"), adopted by Tales of Hearts. The single debuted at #6 on the Oricon weekly single charts. It was their highest position after 1996.

[edit] Discography

[edit] Singles

’Konomama Kimidake wo Ubaisaritai’ (10 March 1993)

’Tsubasa wo Hirogete’ (17 July 1993)

’Memories’ (22 September 1993)

’Eien wo Azuketekure’ (28 November 1993)

’Hitomi Sorasanaide’ (22 June 1994)

’Teenage dream’ (27 March 1995)

’Mirai no Tame ni’ (19 June 1995)

’Love Forever’ (11 December 1995)

’Hitori ja Nai’ (15 April 1996) (Dragon Ball GT’s ending theme song)

’Sunshine on Summer Time’ (1 July 1996)

’Sugao de Waratteitai’ (5 August 1996)

’Kimi ga Inai Natsu’ (27 August 1997) (Detective Conan’s 4th Ending theme song)

’Yume de Aru Youni’ (17 December 1997) (Tales of Destiny’s theme song)

’Toi Sora de’ (18 February 1998)

’Kimi Sae Ireba’ (27 May 1998) (Cooking Master Boy’s 3rd opening song)

’Tegotae no Nai Ai’ (18 November 1998)

’Toi Toi Mirai he’ (25 March 1999)

’Just One’ (23 July 1999)

’My Love’ (3 November 1999)

’Power of Love’ (19 April 2000)

’Kanashimi no Mukogawa’ (15 November 2000)

’Miagetegoran Yoru no Hoshi wo’ featuring Diana Yukawa (30 January 2002)

’Yume de Aetara’ (22 May 2002)

’Birthday eve Dareyorimo Hayai Ai no Uta’ (2 October 2002)

’Tsubasa wo Kaze ni Nosete -fly away-’ (2 April 2003) - A special first print had a movie of ’Birthday eve Dareyorimo Hayai Ai no Uta’ at a live performance in Shibuya Kokaido on December 29, 2002

’Taiyō to Hanabira’ (13 August 2003) - A special first print had a promotional movie of ’Tsubasa wo Kaze ni Nosete -fly away-’

’Yutopia ha Miterunoni’ (1 October 2003) - A special first edition had three additional movie clips

’Reru no Nai Sora he’ (28 April 2004) - A special first edition had an 8 song DVD album of a live performance in Seoul

’Strong Soul’ (30 June 2004) - A special first edition had a two song and movie in additional DVD.

’Ai no kane ga sekai ni hibikimasu youni’ (22 December 2004) - Deen with Yuka Kamebuchi & The Voices of Japan

’Konomama Kimidake wo Ubaisaritai/Tsubasa wo Hirogete’ (26 October 2005)

’Starting Over’ (24 May 2006)

’Diamond’ (2 August 2006)

’Eien no Ashita’ (10 December 2008) (Tales of Hearts theme song)

[edit] Classics

’Classics One White Christmas Time’ (November 25, 1999)

’Classics Two Sepia Aki Zakura -more & more-’ (September 13, 2000)

’Classics Three Pastel Yume no Tsubomi’ (April 25, 2007)

’Classics Four Blue Smile Blue’ (August 22, 2007)

[edit] Albums

Deen (14 September 1994)

I wish (9 September 1996)

Deen Singles + 1 (18 March 1998)

The Day (16 December 1998)

’Need Love (24 May 2000)

Ballad in Blue : The greatest hits of Deen (6 June 2001)

Waon -Songs for children- (6 March 2002)

Pray (20 November 2002)

Utopia (5 November 2003) - A special first print with two making movies in USA

Road Crusin’ (18 August 2004) - A special first print with a 6 movie clips in a DVD

Deen The Best Kiseki (23 November 2005)

Diamonds (11 October 2006)

The Best Classics (25 December 2007)

[edit] VHS

Deen Live Joy Special Yokohama Arena (21 June 2000)

on&off -tour document of ’need love- (6 June 2001)

on&off -tour document of unplugged live & recordings- (20 November 2001)

Greatest Clips 1993-1998 (2 April 2003)

Greatest Clips 1998-2002 (2 April 2003)

[edit] DVD

Deen Live Joy Special Yokohama Arena (6 June 2001)

on&off -tour document of ’need love- (6 June 2001)

on&off -tour document of unplugged live & recordings- (20 November 2001)

Greatest Clips 1993-1998 (2 April 2003)

Greatest Clips 1998-2002 (2 April 2003)

[edit] References

^ (Japanese) "Deen Interview vol.1". IY Card Service Co. (2008). Retrieved on 2008-12-12.

^ (Japanese) "List of million sellers in 1993". Recording Industry Association of Japan. Retrieved on 2008-12-15.

^ (Japanese) "瞳そらさないで". Oricon. Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "List of million sellers in 1994". Recording Industry Association of Japan. Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "梦であるように". Oricon. Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "DEEN?池森「心と心のつながり意识」…新曲「永远の明日」10日発売". Sports Hochi (2008-12-09). Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "DEEN biography". Barks. Retrieved on 2008-12-14.

^ (Japanese) "Interview with DEEN". Excite Music (2003). Retrieved on 2008-12-15.

^ (Japanese) "Special u2013 DEEN". Biglobe (2006-10-20). Retrieved on 2008-12-15.

^ (Japanese) "DEEN、武道馆で感涙のオーディエンス". Barks (2008-06-09). Retrieved on 2008-12-23.

^ (Japanese) "Oricon Weekly Single Charts for the fourth week of December 2008". Oricon. Retrieved on 2008-12-16.

^ (Japanese) "DEEN、12年ぶりの快挙! 新曲がオリコン6位ランクイン". goo (2008-12-18). Retrieved on 2008-12-23.






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