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先后负责国家基金委 “杰出青年科学基金”, “优秀青年科学家群体”,“重点项目”,973(二级),科技部基础研究的前期专项和中科院重要方向项目等重要课题;获“首届全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖”,作为主持和主要参加者获五项省部级一等奖,一项国家级二等奖、三等奖和一项专利。此外,获多项荣誉称号。共发表论文近百篇。

2002年度陕西省科技进步一等奖 2007-11-13

2008年度国家自然科学奖二等奖 2008-12-24


1.Zhou Weijian, Zhou Mingfu, and M.J. Head, 14C Chronology of Beizhuangcun sedimentation sequence since 30,000 years B.P. Chinese Science Bulletin, 35(7) (1990), 567-572.

2.Zhou Weijian, M.J.Head, and L. Kaiholas, Small sample dating in China. Radiocarbon 34(3) (1994), 47-49.

3.Zhou Weijian, D.J.Donahue, S.C.Porter, T.A.Jull, Li Xiaoqiang, M.Stuiver, An Zhisheng, Eiji Matsumoto and Dong Guangrong, Variability of monsoon climate in East Asia at the end of the last glaciation. Quaternary Research 46(3) (1996), 219-229.

4.Zhou Weijian, D.J. Donahue and J.T. Jull, Radiocarbon AMS dating of pollen concentrated from eolian sand and paleosol: Implications for the monsoon climate change since the late Quaternary. Radiocarbon, 39(1) (1997), 19-26.

5.Zhou Weijian, Head, M.J., Lu Xuefeng, A.J.T. Jull and D.J.Donahue, Teleconnection of climatic events between east Asia and ploar high latitude areas during the last deglaciation. Palaeo. Palaeo. Palaeo. 152 (1999), 163-172.

6.Weijian Zhou, M. John Head Zhisheng An Patrick De Deckker Zhengyu Liu, Xiaodong Liu, Xuefeng Lu Douglas Donahue, A. J. Timothy Jull, & J. Warren Beck, Terrestrial Evidence for a Spatial Structure of Tropical-Polar Interconnections During the Younger Dryas Episode. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, (2001), 191: 231-239.

7.Zhou Weijian J.Dodson, M. John Head, B.S Li, Y.J.Hou, X.F. Lu, D. D. Donahue,, A. J. T. Jull, Environmental variability within the Chinese desert-loess transition zone over the last 20,000 yrs. Holocene 12 (1) ( 2002), 107-112.

8.Weijian Zhou, Xuefeng Yu, A. J. Timothy Jull, G. Burr, J. Y. Xiao, Xuefeng Lu, & Feng Xian, High-resolution evidence of an early Holocene optimum and a mid-Holocene dry event from southern China during the last 18,000 years. Quaternary Research 62 (2004), 39-48.

9.Weijian Zhou, Shucheng Xie, Philip A. Meyers, and Yanhong Zheng, Reconstruction of Late-Glacial and Holocene Climate Evolution in Southern China from Geolipids and Pollen in the Dingnan Peat Sequence. Organic Geochemistry, 36 (2005), 1272-1284.

10.Zhou Weijian, Zhao Xiaolei, Lu Xuefeng, Liu Lin, Wu Zhengkun, Cheng Peng Zhao Wengnian and Huang Chunhai, 2006 , 3MV multi-element AMS in Xian China: Peculiar features and preliminary tests. Radiocarbon 48 (2) (2006), 285-293

11.Zhou, W., P. Alfred, et al. Disentangling geomagnetic and precipitation signals in an 80-kyr Chinese loess record of 10Be. Radiocarbon 49(1) (2007), 139–160.


Weijian Zhou,Maobai Chen. Development of Radiocarbon Dating in China Over the Past 50 Years. Radiocarbon 51(1): 91-107|2009

W. Zhou,S. Song,G. Burr,A.J.T. Jull, X. Lu, H. Yu, P. Cheng. Is there the time-transgressive Holocene Optimum in East Asian monsoon area?. Radiocarbon 49(2) 865-875|2007

Zhou,WeiJian,Chen,MaoBai,Xian,Feng,Song,ShaoHua,Wu,ZhenKun,A J T Jull,Liu,WeiGuo. The mean value concept in mono-linear regression of multi-variables and its application to trace studies in Geo-sciences. Science in China: Series D 50(12): 1828-1834|2007

Weijian Zhou,Alfred Priller,J Warren Beck,Wu Zhengkun,Chen Maobai,An Zhisheng,Walter Kutschera,Xian Feng,Yu Huagui,Liu Lin. Disentangling geomagnetic and precipitation signals in an 80-kyr Chinese loess record of 10Be. Radiocarbon, 49(1), 139–160|2007

Weijian Zhou,Xuefeng Lu,Zhengkun Wu,Wengnian Zhao,Chunhai Huang,Linglang Li,Peng Chen. New results on Xi’an-AMS and sample preparation systems at Xi’an-AMS center. Nucl. Instr. And Meth. B, 262, 135-142.|2007

Zhou Weijian,Zhao Xiaolei,Lu Xuefeng,Liu Lin, Wu Zhenkun, Cheng Peng, Zhao Wennian, Huang Chunhai. The 3Mv multl-element AMS in Xian, China: Unique features and preliminary tests. Radiocarbon 48, 285- 293|2006

Weijian Zhou,Shucheng Xie,Philip A. Meyers,Yanhong Zheng. Reconstruction of late glacial and Holocene climate evolution in southern China from geolipids and pollen in the Dingnan peat sequence. Organic Geochemistry 36: 1272–1284.|2005

Weijian Zhou,Xuefeng Yu,A.J.T.Jull,G.Burr,J.Y. Xiao,Xuefeng Lu,Feng Xian. High-resolution evidence from southern China of an early Holocene optimum and a mid-Holocene dry event during the past 18,000 years. Quaternary Research 62: 39-48|2004

周卫健,刘林,刘永好,卢雪峰,程鹏,陈茂柏;江西瑞昌铜岭古矿冶遗址的14C-AMS研究。地球化学 33(5): 491-494.|2004

Zhou Weijian,Lu Xuefeng,Wu Zhengkun,Deng Lin,A.J.T.Jull,D. Donahue,W. Beck. Peat record reflecting Holocene climatic change in the Zoigê Plateau and AMS radiocarbon dating.. Chinese Science Bulletin 47(1): 66-70|2002

W.J. Zhou,J. Dodson,M.J. Head,B.S. Li,Y.J. Hou,X.F. Lu,D.J. Donahue,A.J.T. Jull. Environmental variability within the Chinese desert-loess transition zone over the last 20,000 years. The Holocene 12(1): 117-122|2002

Weijian Zhou,M.J.Head,Zhisheng An. Terrestrial evidence for a spatial structure of tropical-polar interconnections during the Younger Dryas episode. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 191: 231-239.|2001

Weijian Zhou,M.John Head,Lin Deng. Climate changes in northern China since the late Pleistocene and its response to global change. Quatermary International 83-85: 285-292|2001

Weijian Zhou,Zhengkun Wu,A.J.T.Jull,G. Burr,D. Donahue Li,Baosheng,J. Head. Environmental and climatic change as recorded in geological sediments from the arid to semi-arid zone of China. Radiocarbon 43(2B): 619-627|2001

周卫健,张洁,超灵敏小型回旋加速器质谱计14C测年的样品制备和制样系统;核技术 24(增刊): 237-243|2001

W.J. Zhou,M.B. Chen,Y.H. Liu,D. Donahue,J. Head,X.F. Lu,A.J.T. Jull,Lin Deng. Radiocarbon determinations using a minicyclotron: Applications in archaeology. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 172: 201-205|2000

Weijian Zhou,M.J. Head,Xuefeng Lu,Zhisheng An,A.J.T. Jull,D. Donahue. Teleconnection of climatic events between East Asia and polar, high latitude areas during the last deglaciation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 152: 163-172|1999

Weijian Zhou,M. J. Head,Fubao Wang,D. Donahue,A.J.T.Jull. The reliability of AMS radiocarbon dating of shells from China. Radiocarbon 41(1): 17-24|1999

Zhou Weijian,An Zhisheng,A.J.T Jull,D.J. Donahue,M.J. Head. Reappraisal of Chinese loess plateau stratigraphic sequences over the last 30,000 years: precursors of an important holocene monsoon climatic event. Radiocarbon 40(2): 905-913|1998

Zhou Weijian,An Zhisheng,S. C. Porter,D. Donahue,A.J.T.Jull. Correlation of climatic events between East Asia and Norwegian Sea during last deglaciation. Science In China(Series D) 40(5): 496-501|1997

Weijian Zhou,Douglas Donahue,A. J. T. Jull. Radiocarbon AMS dating of pollen concentrated from eolian sediments: implications for monsoon climate change since the late quaternary.. Radiocarbon 39(1): 19-26|1997

周卫健,李小强,董光荣,S. C. Porter,M. Stuiver,D. Donahue,A.J.T.Jull. 新仙女木期沙漠/黄土过渡带高分辨率泥炭记录-东亚季风气候颤动的实例;中国科学(D辑) 26(2): 118-124|1996

Zhou Weijian,D. J. Donahue,S. C. Porter,Jull, T. A., Li , X., Stuiver, M., An, Z., Matsumoto, E., and Dong. Variability of Monsoon Climate in East Asia at the End of the Last Glaciation. Quaternary Research 46(3): 219–229.|1996

周卫健,薛祥煦;国际第四纪地质学研究进展;地球科学进展 10(2): 136-142 | 1995

Weijian Zhou,Zhisheng An,M. J. Head. Stratigraphic division of Holocene loess in China. Radiocarbon 36(1): 37-45|1994

Weijian Zhou,M. J. Head,Lauri Kaihola. Small sample dating in China. Radiocarbon 36(1): 47-49|1994

Weijian Zhou,Zhisheng An,Benhai Lin,Jule Xiao,Jingzhao Zhang,Jun Xie,Mingfu Zhou. Chronology of the Baxie loess profile and the history of monsoon climates in China between 17,000 and 6000 years BP. RADIOCARBON 34,(3): 818-825|1992

Zhou Weijian,Zhou Mingfu,J. Head. 14C chronology of Bei Zhuang Cun sedimentation sequence since 30,000yr B.P.. Chinese Science Bulletin 35(7): 567-572|1990

武振坤,周卫健,余华贵, 潘彩文, 孔祥辉, 卢雪峰;黄土样品的BeO制备及AMS测量. 核技术(06)|2008

郑艳红,周卫健, 谢树成;若尔盖高原全新世气候序列的类脂分子化石记录; 第四纪研究, 27(1), 108-114|2007

Lin Liu,Weijian Zhou,Peng Cheng,Huagui Yu,Maobai Chen . A new dual injection system for AMS facility. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 259(1), 208-212|2007

Zheng Yanhong,Zhou Weijian,Philip A Meyers,Xie Shucheng . Lipid biomarkers in the Zoige-Hongyuan peat deposit: Indicators of Holocene climate changes in West China. Organic Geochemistry, 38(11), 1927-1940|2007

Yu Xuefeng,Zhou Weijian,Lars G. Franzen,Xian Feng,Cheng Peng,A. J. Tim Jull . High-resolution peat records for Holocene monsoon history in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Science in China: Series D 49.(6 ): 615-621|2006

宋少华,周卫健,彭子成,刘卫国, 程鹏, 鲜锋, 海南岛滨珊瑚δ18O 对环境条件的响应;海洋地质与第四纪地质, 26(4), 23-28|2006

于学峰,周卫健, 红原泥炭6000a以来元素异常及其可能反映甘青地区人类活动信息的初步研究;第四纪研究,26(4), 597-603|2006

于学峰,周卫健,刘晓清,郑艳红, 宋少华 .青藏高原东部全新世泥炭灰分的粒度特征及其古气候意义. 沉积学报, 24(6), 864-869|2006

卢雪峰,周卫健;放射性碳测年国际比对活动的初步结果;地球化学 32(1): 43-47|2003

J. Head,Zhou Weijian . Evaluation of NaOH leaching techniques to extract humic acids from paleosols. Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research B|2000

M J Head,Weijian Zhou,Mingfu Zhou . Evaluation of 14C ages of organic fractions of paleosol from loess sequence near Xian, China. Radiocarbon 31(3): 680-696|1989

张普,刘卫国,周卫健,武振坤, 宋少华;黄土塬竖井剖面黄土-古土壤碳同位素记录特征;地球化学(5): 423-429|2008

J. XIAO,H. LU,W. Zhou . Evolution of vegetation and climate since the last glacial maximum recorded at Dahu peat site, South China. Science in China Series D 50.1209-1217|2007

Liu,Weiguo,An,Zisheng,Zhou,Weijian . Carbon isotope and C/N ratios of suspended matter in rivers: an indicator of seasonal change in C4/C3 vegetation. Applied Geochemistry 18: 1241-1249.|2003

祝一志,余华贵,程鹏,卢雪峰, 康志海, 周卫健。关中地区2万年以来黄土序列中蜗牛化石及其有机质的^14c―Ams测年初探;地球科学进展(9): 959-964|2008

Chen MB,Lu XS,Li DM,Liu YH,Zhou WJ,Chen GS,Shen LG,Xu SL,Zhang YX . Minicyclotron (SMCAMS)-based accelerator mass spectrometry and real C-14 measurements. Nuclear Instrument and Methodss in Physics Research B 172: 193-200|2000

Chen Maobai,Lu XS,Chen GS,Xu SL,Shen LG,Li DM,Zhang YX,Gong PR,Zhang YJ,Zhou WJ . Status of the SINR mini-cyclotron AMS facility. Nuclear Instrument and Methodss in Physics Research B 123(1-4): 102-106|1997





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