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  国家自然科学基金: Wolbachia在叶螨中的感染、对宿主“生殖操作”及其机理的研究


  国家自然科学基金:共生细菌 Wolbachia在瘿蜂科昆虫中的PCR检测及其对宿主繁殖模式的调控








  Zhu DH, Cui SS, Fan YS, Liu Z (2012) Adaptive strategies of overwintering adults: Reproductive diapause and mating behavior in a grasshopper, Stenocatantops splendens (Orthoptera: Catantopidae). Insect Science, DOI 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2011.01493.x. (On line, SCI)

  Zeng Y, Zhu DH (2012) Trade-off between flight capability and reproduction in male Velarifictorus asperses crickets. Ecological Entomology, 37(3): 244-251. (SCI)

  Zhu DH, Zhu J, Peng ZP, Wan FH (2012) Effects of photoperiod and temperature on reproductive diapause in Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a potential biocontrol agent against Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Insect Science, 19(3): 286-294. (SCI)

  Zhao LQ, Zhu DH (2011) Effect of mating status on the fecundity of a cricket, Teleogryllus emma. Insect Science, 18, 320u2013324. (SCI)

  Zhao LQ, Zhu DH, Zeng Y (2010) Physiological trade-offs between flight muscle and reproductive development in the wing-dimorphic cricket Velarifictorus ornatus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 135: 288u2013294. (SCI)

  Tokuda M, Tanaka S, Zhu DH (2010)Multiple origins of Locusta migratoria (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in the Japanese Archiplago and presence of two major clades in the world: evidence from a molecular approach. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 99: 570u2013581. (SCI)

  Zhao LQ, Zhu DH, Liu Z (2010) Geographical variation in diapause intensity and threshold temperature in the eggs of a cricket, Teleogryllus emma (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Entomological News, 121: 236-242. (SCI)

  Zhu DH, Yang YP (2009)Reversible change in embryonic diapause intensity by mild temperature in the Chinese rice grasshopper, Oxya chinensis Thunberg (Orthopetera: Catantopidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 133: 1u20138. (SCI)

  Tanaka S, Zhu DH. (2008) Geographic variation of embryonic diapause and life cycles in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, in China. Entomological Science, 11: 327u2013339. (SCI)

  Zhu DH, He YY, et al. (2007) Negative evidence of parthenogenesisinduction by Wolbachia in a gallwasp species, Dryocomus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata,124: 279-284. (SCI)

  Zhu DH, Tanaka S. (2007) Different photoperiodic responses in two geographic populations of a subtropical cockroach, Periplaneta japanna Asahina. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 27: 3687-3693.

  Tanaka S, Zhu DH. (2005) Outbreaks of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria (orthoptera: Acrididae) and control in China. Applied Entomology and Zoology,40: 257-263. (SCI)

  Zhu DH, Tanaka S. (2004) Photoperiod and temperature affect the life cycle of asubtropical cockroach, Opisoplatia orientalis:seasonal pattern shaped by winter mortality. Physiological Entomology, 29: 16-25. (SCI)

  Zhu DH, Tanaka S. (2004) Summer diapause and nymphal growth in a subtropical cockroach: response to changing photoperiod. Physiological Entomology, 29: 78-83. (SCI)

  Tanaka S, Zhu DH. (2003) Phase-related difference in mating strategy of a locust. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 96: 498-502. (SCI)

  Tanaka S, Zhu DH. (2003) Presence of three diapauses in a subtropical cockroach: control mechanisms and adaptive significance. Physiological Entomology, 28:323-330. (SCI)

  Zhu DH, Tanaka S. (2002) Prolonged precopulatory mounting increases the length of copulation and sperm precedence in Locusta migratoria (Orthoptera:Acrididae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 95: 370-373. (SCI)

  Tanaka S, Zhu DH, Simpson SJ, Loof AD and Michael B.(2002)The dark-color inducing neuropeptide, [His7]-corazonin, causes a shift in morphometic characteristics towards the gregarious phase in isolated- reared (solitarious) Locusta migratoria. Journal Insect Physiology, 48: 1065-1074. (SCI)

  Hoste B, Simpson SJ, Tanaka S, Zhu DH, Loof AD, Breuer, M.(2002)Effects of [His]-coraconin on the phase state of isolated-reared (solitarious) desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria. Journal Insect Physiology,48: 981-9907. (SCI)

  Zhu DH, Ando Y. (1998) Parthenogenesis in three species of genus, Oxya. Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool., 42: 65-69. (SCI)

  杨筱慧,朱道弘,刘志伟,赵玲(2012)湖南三地区麦氏安瘿蜂体内 Wolbachia的感染及其 wsp基因序列分析. 昆虫学报,55 (2): 247-254

  曾杨,朱道弘,赵吕权(2012)长颚斗蟋长翅和短翅型雌成虫飞行肌发育与生殖的比较.昆虫学报,55 (2): 241-246

  陆鹏飞,朱道弘,杨筱慧,Liu Z(2012)基于mtDNACO I基因的系统分析表明栗属植物上隐藏瘿蜂种的存在. 应用昆虫学报,49 (1): 161—167.

  朱道弘,张超,谭荣鹤(2011)中华稻蝗长沙种群的生活史及其卵滞育的进化意义. 生态学报, 31(15): 4365-4371.

  崔双双, 朱道弘(2011) 中华稻蝗的胚胎发育及卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段. 应用昆虫学报,48( 4) : 845—853.

  曾杨,朱道弘,赵吕权(2010) 环境因素对长颚斗蟋翅型分化的影响. 生态学报, 30( 21) : 6001—6008.

  赵琴,朱道弘,阳艳萍,谭荣鹤(2009)中华稻蝗5种群卵滞育强度及生活史模式的地理变异. 昆虫学报, 52: 183-190.

  朱道弘(2009) 昆虫翅型分化的调控及翅多型性的进化. 昆虫知识, 46: 11-16.

  赵吕权,朱道弘(2008)变化光周期对丽斗蟋若虫发育的影响. 生态学报, 28: 253-259.

  谭荣鹤, 朱道弘, 阳艳萍(2008)中华稻蝗不同地理种群杂交子代的滞育率. 昆虫知识, 45: 394-397.

  朱道弘,贺一原 赵吕权(2007)栗瘿蜂体内 Wolbachia的感染及其 wsp基因序列分析. 林业科学, 43: 133 -137.

  朱道弘(2007)飞蝗抱对行为的进化意义及两型间相异的交配策略. 昆虫知识, 44: 472-476.

  朱道弘,刘世大(2006) 光周期与温度对林地中德国小蠊生长发育与繁殖的影响. 生态学报, 26: 2125-2132.

  田中诚二, 朱道弘(2004)三つの休眠をもった亜热帯昆虫の谜.《休眠の昆虫学――季节适応の谜》. 日本:东海大学出版社

  朱道弘,Ando Y(2004)稻蝗属3近缘种间的生殖隔离机制及其进化意义. 昆虫学报, 47: 67-72

  朱道弘(2004) 小翅稻蝗的精子竞争及交配行为的适应意义. 生态学报,24:84-88

  朱道弘(2004)飞蝗的多型现象:体色多型及变型的内分泌控制机理. 动物学研究, 25:460-464.

  朱道弘(2004)《创意组合盆栽》(译. 广州百通出版)

  朱道弘(2001)小翅稻蝗( Oxya yezoensis Shiraki)翅多型现象浅释. 生态学报, 21: 624-628.

  朱道弘, 安藤喜一, 城田安幸(2001)利用RAPD对稻蝗属昆虫亲缘关系的研究. 昆虫学报, 44: 316-320.





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