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學歷 Education 1979 香港中文大學藝術系榮譽文學士 Bachelor of Arts with Honors, the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK 1996 香港大學中文系哲學碩士 (論文:《 郭沬若〈女神〉研究 》) The Degree of Master of Philosophy at the De...


學歷  Education

1979            香港中文大學藝術系榮譽文學士  Bachelor of Arts with Honors, the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK

1996                  香港大學中文系哲學碩士 (論文:《 郭沬若〈女神〉研究 》) The Degree of Master of Philosophy at the Department of Chinese, HKU

                   (Dissertation: Research on GUO Moruou2019s “Nushen”)

1999         香港中文大學教育文憑  Postgraduate Diploma in Faculty of Education, CUHK


大專教學  Tutoring at College

1993 - 97    新亞文商書院 (主講書法、篆刻及藝術概論等課程)   Lecturer in New Asian Art and Commercial Institute, Hong Kong

                    (Major in tutoring calligraphy, seal engraving and Principle of Arts etc.)

1994           香港浸會大學 (語文導師)  Hong Kong Baptist College  (Language Instructor)

2003 - 06    香港教育學院 (主講:《中國文化與書法學習》) Hong Kong Institute of Education

                   (Guest Lecturer in Chinese Culture and calligraphy)

個展  Solo Exhibitions

1985          《意藝》書畫篆刻展 (香港藝術中心)  Arts Exhibition on “Sensation” (Hong Kong Arts Centre)

1986           《書印小輯》意藝展八六 (香港藝術中心) Paintings/Seal Engraving Exhibition on “Sensation” (Hong Kong Arts Centre)

1988           《意藝八八》書畫展 (香港藝術中心)  Arts Exhibition on “Sensation 88” (Hong Kong Arts Centre)

2000                  《鄺良書畫篆刻近作及回顧展》 油尖區文化及藝術協會 (文化藝術協會贊助)  Arts Memorial Exhibition

  (Sponsored by Hong Kong Arts and Cultural Association)

2000                  《鄺良書畫篆刻巡迴展》 荃灣大會堂 / 屯門大會堂  ( [視藝精英計劃]康樂及文化事務署主辦 )

            Arts Roving Exhibition, Best of Visual Arts Scheme organized by Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Service Department 

                  (Tsuen wan City Hall and Tuen Mun City Hall)

2001           《鄺良水墨畫展》 美國維蒙特藝術創作中心  Ink Paintings Exhibition  ( Vermont Studio Centre, Vermont, U.S.A.)

2001                  《旅維蒙特的旅情》 油尖區文化及藝術協會 (油尖區文化及藝術協會贊助)  Ink Paintings on Vermont, USA      

(Sponsored by Yaumatei and Tsimshatsui Cultural and Arts Association

2006                  《意形》水墨、書法、篆刻展  香港視覺藝術中心 Arts Exhibition of Ink Paintings on “Image, Color and Idea ”

(Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)    

聯展  Group Exhibitions

1976 u2013 77    《香港中文大學藝術系年展》香港大會堂 The undergraduates of the Department of Fine Arts Exhibition, CUHK

                      (Hong Kong City Hall)

1978         《中大藝術系年展》 香港藝術中心 The Annual Exhibition by the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK (Hong Kong City Hall) 

1978           《四人作品展》 新亞錢穆圖書館  Four Peopleu2019s Artworks Exhibition (New Asian Library, CUHK)

1979                  《中大藝術系畢業展》 中大文物館  The Graduation of The Department of Fine Arts Exhibition, CUHK

                      (The Art Museum of CUHK)

1979           《中大畢業同學作品展》 中大文物館  Artworks by the Graduates  (The Art Museum of CUHK)

1979         《中大藝術系年展》 香港大會堂  Art Exhibition of the Department of Fine Art, CUHK  (Hong Kong City Hall)

1979         《中大藝術系系友展》 藝術中心  Art Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK 

                        (Hong Kong Arts Centre)

1979         《香港當代藝術雙年展》 香港大會堂  Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Hong Kong Arts 1979u2019(Hong Kong City Hall) 

1980 u2013 86    《中大藝術系系友展》 香港大會堂  Art Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association of Fine Arts, CUHK

                    (Hong Kong City Hall)

1988           《書友展》 香港藝術中心 The Calligraphy Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association. (Hong Kong Arts Centre)

1989                  《中大藝術系系友展》 香港藝術中心  The Alumni Association of Fine Arts Exhibition, CUHK (Hong Kong Arts Centre)

1992         《葵青節中國書法篆刻展》 荃灣大會堂 Chinese Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition (Tsuen Wan City Hall, H.K.)

1992         《當代書畫名家作品邀請展》 湖南岳陽汩羅江國際龍舟節 Paintersu2019and Calligraphersu2019Invited Exhibition  (Wu Nan)

1993           《書友展》 香港藝術中心  The Calligraphy Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association  (Hong Kong Arts Centre)

1996 - 02    《 鄺良師生國畫展 》 油尖區文化及藝術協會  (油尖區文化及藝術協會主辦)  Kwong Leung and his students Joint

                      Arts Exhibition (Sponsored by Yaumatei and Tsimshatsui Cultural and Arts Association)

2001-02    《中大藝術系系友展》 香港視覺藝術中心 / 香港文化中心行政中心展覽館 (香港藝術雙年展節目)

                              Arts Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK (Biennial Exhibition of

                         Hong Kong Arts Festival) (Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre / Hong Kong Cultural Centre) 

2003                  《中大藝術系系友展》 香港視覺藝術中心 Alumni Association of Fine Arts Exhibition, CUHK

(Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)

2003      《新亞精神在新亞──師生書法聯展 》 新亞中學圖書館 / 中大邵逸夫書院大講堂展覽廳 / 中大新亞書院許氏文化館 

                    (新亞中學/新亞研究所所會合辦) The Spirit of New Asia is HereThe Teacher and Students Calligraphy Joint Exhibition

                     (New Asia secondary school / Shaw College Lecture Theatre / New Asia College)                                        

2003            《油尖區文化藝術協會委員及師生作品展》 香港文化中心行政大樓展覽館 Art Exhibition of the committee, teachers and  

                    students of Yaumatei and Tsimshatsui Cultural and Arts Association  (Hong Kong Cultural Center )

2003      《中大藝術系系友展》  香港視覺藝術中心  (香港中文大學40週年活動、香港藝術雙年展節目)

                    Arts Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK 

                    (Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre) 

2004          《聚藝展》 香港視覺藝術中心  Gathering Arts Exhibition  (Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)

2004          《香港藝術界大匯展》  香港中央圖書館 Art Exhibition of Hong Kong Artists  (Hong Kong Central Library)

2004         《中大藝術系系友展》 香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 / 邵逸夫書院大講堂展覽廊

                     Arts Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association of Fine Arts, CUHK  (New Asia College /Run Run Shaw College)

2005         《覺藝第八屆會員作品展》 香港視覺藝術中心 Exhibition of The Art Sense Members  (Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)

2005         《香港藝術界香港回歸周年大匯展》 香港大會堂低座 Arts Exhibition of Hong Kong Artists

                     on The revision of sovereignty over Hong Kong  (Hong Kong City Hall)

2005         《聚藝展》 香港視藝中心  Gathering Arts Exhibition  (Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)

2006          《中大藝術系系友展》  香港視覺藝術中心  (香港藝術雙年展2005節目)

                      Arts Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK 

(Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)   

2006         《覺藝第九屆會員作品展》 香港視覺藝術中心 Exhibition of The Art Sense Members  (Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)  

2006         《聚藝展》 香港大會堂七樓展覽廳  Gathering Arts Exhibition  (Hong Kong City Hall)  

2006          《香港藝術界大匯展》  香港中央圖書館 Art Exhibition of Hong Kong Artists  (Hong Kong Central Library)  

2007             中大藝術系系友展  香港中央圖書館  

                   Arts Exhibition organized by the Alumni Association of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK    (Hong Kong Central Library)  

2007            覺藝第十屆會員作品展 Exhibition of The Art Sense Members  (Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)  

2007        香港藝術界十周年大滙展 香港中央圖書館  Art Exhibition of Hong Kong Artists   (Hong Kong Central Library)    

2008            [聚滙美術會]會員作品展  香港上環文娛中心展覽廳   Group Show of Gathering Arts Club members (Sheung Wan Civic Centre) 

著述 Writings                  

1987           《石語──鄺良印集》  意藝舍  The Stoneu2019s Words (Volume I)            

1989           《意藝──鄺良的書畫藝術》意藝舍 The Mood In Art

1993            《書懷──鄺良的書法藝術》附漢〈張遷碑〉修葺本 意藝舍 The Expression

1994           《征途上──鄺良詩集》  意藝舍 On A Perilous Journey

1995           《石語──鄺良印選二集》 意藝舍 The Stoneu2019s Words (Volume II)

2000           《藝海飄流》巧思圖書公司 (香港藝術發展局資助)The Floating Of Arts (Sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Centre)

2002           《畫說u2027名言警句精選》萬里機構  The Proverbs with Paintings

2003           《有趣的歇後語》(動物篇.植物篇)新雅文化事業 Interesting enigma on “Animals and Plants”

2003           《有趣的歇後語》(器物篇.人事篇)新雅文化事業 Interesting enigma on “Objects and Human being”

2003           《超越憂患.火.泛神想像──論郭沫若詩集〈女神〉的主題思路》巧思圖書公司A Study of GUO Moruou2019s “Nushen” 

2004           《猜圖活學歇後語──語不詼諧誓不休》  巧思圖書公司 Interesting enigma with puzzle

2006           《意形──鄺良作品集》聚藝畫會 Works of Kwong Leung on “Affection Towards Image & colour”  

獎項 Award

1978         香港中文大學新亞書院許氏國畫收藏獎  A Collection Prize of Mr. Hui, CUHK

2001                  美國維蒙特藝術創作中心自由人基金頒發留駐及交流計劃獎





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