梁晓 - 前言部份
1973年出生于江苏省南京市,1991年进入清华大学化学系,1996年获理学学士,专业为物理化学及仪器分析,同年还获得清华大学经济学学士,专业为经济管理学院的企业管理;2001年在清华大学获有机化学专业博士学位后留校任教至今;其中2003年7月至2004年7月在美国中佛罗里达大学进行博士后研究,2004年底被聘为清华大学化学系副教授。主要研究领域为液晶材料和显示,研究重点包括显示用液晶材料的合成和调配、显示用取向材料的合成和液晶分子表面排列机理的研究、快速响应液晶光调制器的研究等。梁晓 - 内容部份
00Dr. Liang was born at Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, in 1973, graduated from Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University of China in 1996, received his Ph.D in Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University of China in 2001. After graduation, he was appointed as a lecturer by Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University of China. During the period of 2003 and 2004, he was invited as a research scientist by Schoolof Optics, University of CentralFlorida. Now he is an associate professor of TsinghuaUniversity. His research interests are focused on liquid crystal materials and liquid crystal display, including synthesis and formulation of liquid crystal compounds and mixtures, synthesis of alignment materials used for LCD, alignment mechanism of LC molecules, fast response LC modulators.
X. Liang, Y. Q. Lu, Y. H. Wu, F. Du, H. Y. Wang, and S. T. Wu, Dual-frequency addressed variable optical attenuator with submillisecond response time, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44, 1292-1295 (March 8, 2005).
Y. H. Lin, H. Ren, S. Gauza, Y. H. Wu, X. Liang, and S. T. Wu, Reflective direct-view display using a dye-doped dual-frequency liquid crystal gel, J. Display Technology 1, 230-233 (Dec. 2005).
Y. H. Fan, H. Ren, X. Liang, H. Wang, and S. T. Wu , Liquid crystal microlens arrays with switchable positive and negative focal lengths, J. Display Technology 1, 151-156 (September 2005).
Y. H. Wu,X. Liang, Y. Q. Lu, F. Du, Y. H. Lin, and S. T. Wu, Variable optical attenuator using polymer-stabilized dual-frequency liquid crystal, Appl. Opt. 44, 4394-4397 (July 10, 2005).
Y. H. Lin, H. W. Ren, Y. H. Wu, X. Liang, and S. T. Wu, Pinning effect on the phase separation dynamics of thin polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, Opt. Express 13, 468-474 (Jan. 24, 2005).