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当前位置:首页 - 名人 - 宋朝文学家 - 惠洪


(1071—1128)北宋僧人、诗人.字觉范.俗姓喻,筠州(今属江西)人.14岁时父母双亡,依三峰?禅师为童子,19岁试经于东京天王寺,得度.后被诬还俗,丞相张商英特奏再得度,郭天信奏赐宝觉圆明禅师.政和元年(1)张、郭得罪,惠洪刺配崖州.赦还后于建炎二年去世.与当时文人交往颇多,时有唱和,对苏轼、黄庭坚非常推崇.诗歌风格雄健洒落,气韵秀拔.《石霜见东吴诚上人》、《送文中北还》、《石台夜坐》、《上元宿百丈》、《早春》等为诸家称道.亦有词作,风格近秦观.论诗主张自然而有文采,讲究奇趣.著有《冷斋夜话》10卷,记述当时文坛情况、作家轶事,评论诗文.多引苏、黄观点.记事间有伪托之迹.又著《天府禁脔》3卷,以唐、宋名家之篇为式,标论诗格.所著《石门文字禅》30卷有《四部丛刊》影明本.《冷斋夜话》有《萤雪轩丛书》本. (1071-1128) Northern Song Dynasty Buddhist monk, poet. The word Van sense. Su Xing Yu, Yun states (this is a Jiangxi) were .14 at the age of parents having died, according to Sanfeng ? Zen Master of Boy, 19-year-old trial in Tokyo by the Tennoji, get degrees . after being falsely return to secular life, the prime minister Zhang played by Intel and then get degrees, GUO Tian-outs thanks to a letter sent to Yuanming Zen master Po Kok. governance and the first year (1) Zhang, Guo offend Huihongcipei Yazhou. forgiveness is also two years after the death of Jianyan . contacts with the literati of the time a lot, when there is joined in the chorus of Su Shi, Huang Ting-jian is very respected. poetic style of vigorous crisp, Qiyun Xiuba. "Shi Shuang Cheng-Chung Wu, see the East Exalted," "North also send text", "shitai Night sit, "" Lantern Baizhang places, "" Early Spring "and praised for the various companies. also the word for style, nearly Qin Guan. Poetry advocates natural and pay close attention to pay attention to Trolltech. Author of" cold vegetarian夜话"10 volume, describes the situation at that time the literary scene, writers, anecdotes, comments, poems. Multi-cited Soviet Union, the yellow point of view. Weituo notes are among the tracks. Also the "Tianfu exclusive domain" 3 volumes, to the Tang and Song masters of the chapter as a type, standard Poetry grid. book, "Zen Shihmen words" 30 volumes of "4 series" Shadow out of this. "cold vegetarian夜话" yes "Ying Xue Xuan Series" this.






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