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(947—10)宋代散文家.字仲涂,号东郊野夫、补亡先生.大名(今河北大名)人.开宝六年(973)进士.初为宋州司寇参军,后知常州、润州,拜监察御史、殿中侍御史.曾因与监军争斗,贬为上蔡县令.后又知全州、桂州等地,徙沧州路上病死.柳开是宋代古文运动的先驱.他提倡复古,推崇韩柳,曾给自己起名“肩愈”,字“绍先”。他认为道是第一位的,是目的;文是次要的,是手段.在《应责》篇中,他说:“古文者,非在辞涩言苦,使人难读诵之;在于古其理,高其意,随言短长,应变作制,同古人之行事,是谓古文也.”他的理论是后来欧阳修诗文革新运动的先声.所著《河东先生集》,有《四部丛刊》影旧钞本. (947-10) in the Song Dynasty essayist. Zizhong Tu, No. East Country-fu, fill, Mr. death. Daimyo (today’s Hebei Daming) people. Kaibao six years (973) chin-shih. Sikou the beginning of the Song state to join the army, the latter known Changzhou, Runzhou, thanks to monitoring censor, Dian Shi Yu Shi. Zengyin with jianjun fighting, dismissing it as Shangcai order. then known statewide, Guizhou and other places, the road dead Cangzhou resettlement. Liu Kai-Sung literary movement of the pioneer. He advocated retro, respected Han Liu, gave himself named "shoulder more", the word "Shao-xian." He believes that Tao is the first one, and is the goal; text is secondary, a means. "Should select" chapter, he said: "The classical, non-astringent in the speech made by the pain of the people is difficult Du Song; Its argument is that the ancient, high-its meaning, with the words a short length, strain to make the system to act with the ancients, is that classical Chinese people. "His argument is that was the precursor of Ouyang Xiu Prose. book," Mr. Hedong Set ", the" 4 series "Shadow of the old notes.






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