贾斯特斯·达辛登 - 简介
贾斯特斯·达辛登 ( Justus Dahinden;1925年5月18日—) 著名建筑大师,出生于苏黎世。贾斯特斯·达辛登 - 发行作品
1972 "Urban Structures for the Future" Pall Mall Press, New York
1974 "Akro-Polis . Frei-Zeit-Stadt / Leisure City" Karl Krmer Publ. Bern/Stuttgart, ISBN 378281018X
1988 "Justus Dahinden - Architektur - Architecture" Biography, Karl Krmer Publ. Stuttgart, ISBN 3782816013
1991 "M... anders /autrement /different. Migros-Zentrum Ostermundigen", Karl Krmer Publ. Stuttgart, ISBN 3782816080
贾斯特斯·达辛登 - 证书
1981 Grand Prix Architecture 1981,CEA Cercle ètudes Architecturales, Paris
1981 INTERARCH 8’, World Triennial of Architecture, Sofia, Medal and Prize of the City of Nates for Habitat in Iran
1983 INTERARCH 8’,World Triennial of Architecture, Competition HUMA 2000, Sofia, Medal and Prize of the National Committee of Peace of Bulgaria for the Project "Stadthügel" ("Urban Mound")
1985 INTERARCH 8’, World Triennial of Architecture, Sofia, Award for competition of projects and realizations, personal work
1989 INTERARCH 8’, World Triennial of Architecture, Sofia, Award for the Biography "Justus Dahinden-Architektur-Architecture"