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蔻比·凯蕾(Colbie Caillat,1985年5月28日-),出生于加州马里布,是美国的创作歌手、作曲家、吉他手。2007年发行首张专辑《Coco》,专辑内收录了三首畅销单曲《Bubbly》、《Realize》、《The Little Things》。2008年,与Jason Mraz合作录制歌曲《Lucky》,并获得葛莱美奖。2009年8月,科尔比发行第二张专辑《蜕变》。2009年12月2日,《蜕变》获得第52届葛莱美奖提名为最佳流行演唱专辑。凯蕾两张专辑于全美的总销售额近二百五十万,全球销售额四百万,其单曲销售额也在美国达到一千万。蔻比·凯蕾在博客MySpace征服了无数的听众,有6240位;美国词曲人在博客中串联推荐,十几万网友加入其好友名单,单曲《Bubbly》被点播超过两千万次;滚石杂志评价她:一个不知名的歌手,带给整个乐坛希望。


Colbie Caillat,美国创作女歌手、演员。2007年,凭借单曲《Bubbly》成名,获得第52届格莱美奖最佳流行合唱大奖。


Colbie Caillat出生成长于加州马里布,父亲Ken Caillat正是民谣摇滚奇乐团Fleetwood Mac写下辉煌销售成绩经典大作 《Rumours》、《Tusk》的幕后制作推手﹔11岁时,节奏蓝调女伶Lauryn Hill红透半边天的让她开始向往成为歌手,不过她的父亲告诫她能够拥有动人的歌喉虽然美好,但是在音乐界真正受人推崇的往往是词曲创作者,于是Colbie决定往全方位音乐人目标迈进。孩提时代接受过古典钢琴训练的,她在19岁时学习吉他,才结束第一堂课程就用吉他写下第一首歌曲。

蔻比·凯蕾凭借在iTunes和MySpace的成功,其处女专辑《Coco》一经发行便得到了很多歌迷的关注。在美国上市第一周,这张《Coco》共售出5万1千张,在本周的Billboard 200专辑榜中跻身前五名。

在没有与唱片公司签订合约之前,Colbie Caillat的Myspace空间连续四个月中都是所有未签约的艺人中浏览量最高的,平均每天超过了5万次,可见她在歌迷当中积累下来的人气。也正是凭借此前打下来的基础,Colbie Caillat这张《Coco》一面世就得到了很多老歌迷的支持。从某种角度来看,Colbie Caillat也并不能完全算是一位新人。从音乐风格上来看,Colbie Caillat的歌算是流行民谣与R&B音乐的融合,编曲更偏民谣化,但她在部分歌曲中的唱腔还是结合了一些当代R&B的元素。

本张专辑由Colbie Caillat本人和她15岁时就结识的的制作人Mikal Blue以及她的父亲Ken Caillat三人联手完成。除了之前已经非常出名的单曲《Bubbly》以外,《The Little Things》、《Midnight Bottle》、《Tailor Made》和《Capri》也都是很好听的、完全可以单独打榜的单曲。

Colbie Caillat

Colbie Caillat这张《Coco》被称作是2007年夏天美国流行乐坛最美的发现,而她也的确是近两年美国涌现出的最突出的新人之一。



凯雷在加州马里布长大,父亲肯恩·凯雷曾是佛利伍麦克乐团的专辑制作人,凯雷从小就常和鼓手米克·佛利伍、贝斯手约翰·麦维在一起。11岁那年听到了蓝调女伶萝伦·希尔的一曲《Killing Me Softly》之后,凯雷开始学着唱歌。

童时接受过古典钢琴训练的科尔比,在19岁那年开始学习弹奏吉他,并在上完第一堂吉他课后,就立刻写下了一首歌。在创作的过程中,科尔比结识了麦寇·布鲁(Mikal Blue)和创作歌手杰森·瑞夫斯(Jason Reeves),他们成了凯雷十分重要的合作对象。“这些歌总是藏在我的内心深处,”科尔比说,“常常在家无聊发呆的时候,就会有好旋律冒出来;如果遇到瓶颈了,我就去找麦寇或杰森。跟自己信任的人讨论想法总是会让创意源源不绝的出现。”


科尔比在MySpace 上的高人气,让多家唱片公司前来争取与凯雷的唱片合约。最后,凯雷选择了环球唱片公司,“大部份唱片公司都说要重新包装;只有环球给我所有的自由,”凯雷说道。




科尔比在专辑发表、普遍获得不错的评价后,开始与咕咕娃合唱团、生命之屋合唱团、约翰·梅尔等歌手进行巡回演出。2008年5月,与杰森·玛耶兹合唱了歌曲《Lucky》,收录在杰森的专辑《活出自我》(We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things)中。同月,科尔比在迪士尼发行的《DisneyMania 6》中,翻唱了小美人鱼中歌曲《Kiss the Girl》。2008年8月,科尔比·凯雷为2008年北京奥运发行单曲《Somethin’ Special》,并为美国市场推出《The Little Thing》的音乐录像带。科尔比并与席勒诗篇(Schiller)合作了歌曲《You》,同时也在音乐录像带中演出,另外在璜斯新专辑《瞬间永恒》的歌曲《离歌》中献声。泰勒丝在2008年11月11日发行的新专辑《无惧的爱》(Fearless)也收入了两人的合唱曲《Breathe》。2008年10月,〈Midnight Bottle〉被收录在巴西肥皂剧《Três Irmãs》原声带中在巴西广播中高度播放。

2007年至2008年间,凯雷并举行了个人巡回演唱会“Coco Tour”。



科尔比第二张专辑《蜕变》在2009年8月21日于德国发行,24日于美国及欧洲其他地区发行。新作品中,科尔比与世界知名吉他手大卫·贝克(David Becker)合作两首歌曲。贝克曾与科尔比父亲多次合作。《蜕变》第一支单曲《Fallin’ for You》在6月29日推出。8月4日,iTunes开始预购新专辑,并加赠歌曲《Hold Your Head High》和雷鬼版《Begin Again》。在专辑创作过程中,科尔比在创作上遇到阻碍,因此与好友凯拉·狄奥果笛、杰森·瑞夫斯前往夏威夷三个礼拜。他们在海滩小屋中创作有关爱情与分手的歌曲。科尔比还计划发行两首圣诞歌曲《Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas》和《Merry Christmas, Baby》。她也与单曲《Mistletoe》的合作伙伴史黛西·布鲁(Stacy Blue)计划创作新的圣诞歌曲。[8]科尔比在其中一期《Veronica comics》中以客串明星现身。

根据官方网站的表示,科尔比目前在创作并录制第三张专辑。她的父亲也再度参与制作此张专辑并与吉他手大卫u2027贝克合作。2010年9月12日于Pechanga Resort & Casino举办的演唱会上,科尔比宣布她的第三张专辑正处于录制阶段,并于2011年2月发行。同时,科尔比也首次公开演唱专辑内收录的五首歌。


I Do - 科尔比说她用这首歌开了个小玩笑,但很难解释为何如此。婚姻为歌中的主题。

Dream Life - 科尔比的朋友们总是爱谈这梦想中的生活,那就是整天待在游泳池旁,喝着鸡尾酒。

Shadow - 关于科尔比的一个女性朋友。这个女孩和同一个男孩交往了一年,但那个男孩始终不承认她是女朋友。科尔比认为这首歌是那个女孩应向对方所说的话。

Before I Let You Go - 科尔比表示她写下这首歌时,她正对某些人感到愤怒。她认为这些人在离去前,必须先改变他们的态度。

Let’s Make It Rain - 这首歌于2009年夏天创作完成。关于人们该做自己想做的事而不必在意他人的眼光。

What If - 为电影“给茱丽叶的信”中的歌曲,有关一个人幻想着恋爱中的滋味是如何。





2008 - 《孟汉娜》,在第三季客串饰演罗比·瑞的姐姐 Callie。








歌手姓名:Colbie Caillat 






1 Oxygen〔氧气〕

2 The Little Things〔小事情〕

3 One Fine Wire〔走钢索的人〕

4 Bubbly〔阳光微笑〕

5 Feelings Show〔真实感觉〕

6 Midnight Bottle〔午夜空瓶〕

7 Realize〔领悟〕

8 Battle〔战〕

9 Tailor Made〔天造地设〕

10 Magic〔你的魔术〕

11 Tied Down〔冷静〕

12 Capri〔卡布里〕



Will you come in

I was awake for a while now.

You’ve got me feeling like a child now

Casue every time I see your bubbly face

I get the thingcles in a silly place

It starts in my

then i crinkle my nose

where ever it goes i always know

that you make me smile

please stay for a while now

just take your time

where ever you go

The rain is fallin on my window pane

but we are hidin in a safer place

under the covers stayin dry and warm

you give me feelins that i adore

It starts in my toes

makes me crinkle my nose

where ever it goes i always know

that you make me smile

please stay for a while now

just take your time

where ever you go

What am i gonna say

when you make me feel this way

I just........mmmmmmmmmmm

It starts in my toes

makes me crinkle my nose

where ever it goes i always know

that you make me smile

please stay for a while now

just take your time

where ever you go

I’ve been asleep for a while now

You tucked me in just like a child now

Cause every time you hold me in your arms

Im comfortable enough to feel your warmth

It starts in my soul And I lose all control

When you kiss my nose

The feelin shows

Cause you make me smile

Baby just take your time

Holdin me tight

Where ever’ where ever’

where ever you go

Where ever’ where ever’

where ever you go...

where ever you go...

i always know

cause you make me smile in just for a while

Tell him

I’m scared

So afraid to show I care

Will he think me weak

If I tremble when I speak

Oooh what if

There’s another one he’s thinking of

Maybe he’s in love

I’d feel like a fool

Life can be so cruel

I don’t know what to do

I’ve been there

With my heart out in my hand

But what you must understand

You can’t let the chance

To love him pass you by

Tell him

Tell him that the sun and moon

Rise in his eyes

Reach out to him

And whisper

Tender words so soft and sweet

Hold him close to feel his heart beat

Love will be the gift you give yourself

Touch him

With the gentleness you feel inside

Your love can’t be denied

The truth will set you free

You’ll have what’s meant to be

All in time you’ll see

I love him

Of that much I can be sure

I don’t think I could endure

If I let him walk away

When I have so much to say

Love is light that surely glows

In the hearts of those who know

It’s a steady flame that grows

Feed the fire with all the passion you can show

Tonight love will assume its place

This memory time cannot erase

Blind faith will lead where it has to go

Never let him go


I should have known

it seemed too easy

you were there

and I was breathing blue

strange baby

don’t you think I’m looking older

but something good has happened to me

change is a stranger

you have yet to know

well you’re out of time

I’m letting go

you’ll be fine

well that much I know

you’re out of time

I’m letting go

I’m not the man you want

I should have known

it seemed so easy

you were there

I thought I needed you


baby don’t you think I’m looking older

but something good has happened to me

change is a stranger

who never seems to show

so you’re out of time

I’m letting go

you’ll be fine

or maybe you won’t

you’re out of time

I’m letting go

I’m not the man that you want

I never should have looked back in your direction

I know that

just the same old fights again, baby

these are wasted days without affection

I’m not that foolish anymore

so you’re out of time

I’m letting go

you’ll be fine

well that much I know

you’re out of time

I’m letting go

I’m not the man that you want

Dreams collide

She was giving the world

So much that she couldn’t see

And she needed someone to show her,

Who she could be.

And she tried to survive

Wearing her heart on her sleeve

And i needed you to believe

You had your dreams, i have mine.

You had your fears, i was fine.

You showed me what i couldn’t find,

When two different worlds collide.

La dee da dee da

She was in her room, watching from far away.

She was given a role, 

never knew just when to play.

And she tried to survive

Living her life on her own

Always afraid of the throne

You’re going to need the strenth to find home.

You had your dreams, i have mine.

You had your fears, i was fine.

You showed me what i couldn’t find,

When two different worlds collide.

She was scared


Lost in the dark.

Falling apart,

I can survive,

With you by my side.

We’re gonna be alright.

This is what happens when two worlds collide.

You had your dreams, i have mine.

You had your fears, i was fine.

You show me what i couldn’t find,

When two different worlds collide.

La dee da dee da

You had your fears, i was fine.

You showed me what i couldn’t find,

When two different worlds collide.

When two different worlds collide.

Here comes the sun

Here comes the heartache

The move out date

The excuses for my friends

Here comes the reason i have to justify

It was better in the end

Here comes the last time I’m gonna kiss you

And the first night being alone

Here comes the hardest thing we’ve ever known.

And I know that you’re sleeping

I can always hear you breathe

Don’t you think its about time that we talked

You say you had a bad feeling

I Feel i do agree

And i know how hard it is to be

The easiest thing is love

Making up will never mean enough.

Here comes the heartache

The move out date

The excuses for my friends

Here comes the reason i have to justify

It was better in the end

Here comes the last time I’m gonna kiss you

And the first night eating alone

Here comes the hardest thing we’ve ever known.

You’ve been waiting for the weekend

so we could figure some things out

How did it ever come to blows

Some people find happiness

and some are just happy to find

One more reason not to get love or give it in return.

You cant lose fire when there is nothing left to burn.

Here comes the heartache

The move out date

The excuses for my friends

Here comes the reason i have to justify

It was better in the end

Here comes the last time I’m gonna kiss you

And the first night sleeping alone

Here comes the hardest thing we’ve ever known.

All i wanted to do was do what you wanted. needed.

But that never did much for me in the end.

Now all we have to do is to wait it out.

Here comes the heartache

The move out date

The excuses for my friends

Here comes the reason i have to justify

It was better in the end

Here comes the last time I’m gonna kiss you

And the first night being alone

Here comes the hardest thing we’ve ever known

Something special

I found a way to be everything

I dreamed of

And I know it to me that I will become

Who I wanna be

And I finally found it

And I’m takin’ the long way out

Cause it’s gonna be

Somethin’ special to me x2

Days go by and i’ll grow stronger

It takes time but i’ll never let go

Days go by and i’ll try harder

To make it mine

It’s somethin’ special to me x3

I found so many things

I dreamed of

And I know it to me

That I will become

Who I wanna be

And I finally found it

And I’m takin’ the long way out

And it’s gonna be

Somethin’ special to me x2

It’s somethin’ special to me

More than I hoped for

More than I dreamed of

This is how it should be

More than I hoped for

More than I dreamed of

This is how it should be

It’s somethin’ special to me x8


I was running in circles

was only a matter of time

before I found myself drowning in troubled lies

was starring back at what Iu2032d seen for a long, long time

how did I break it

how did I clear my mind

this feeling just gets better all the time

so beautiful in front of me that I canu2032t believe my eyes

I know it from move ahead time is on my side

Iu2032m free from the circle

thereu2032ll be no regrets this time

I was hiding in places I knew nobody could find

until I found myself spinning in rewind

was starring back at what Iu2032d seen for a long, long time

I had to break it

I had to clear my mind

this feeling just gets better all the time

so beautiful in front of me that I canu2032t believe my eyes

I know it from move ahead time is on my side

Iu2032m free from the circle

thereu2032ll be no regrets this time

Hard times that I like to forget about

so much I held inside

god let it out

it took a while to find it

but now Iu2032m here and I canu2032t deny it

this feeling just gets better all the time

so beautiful in front of me that I canu2032t believe my eyes

I know it from move ahead time is on my side

Iu2032m free from the circle

thereu2032ll be no regrets this time


You, you make all my dreams come true

Another time, a lesson learned

Another one, I crashed and burned

But I believe there is someone for everyone

A small café and lots of noise

A crowded place but just one voice

And from that moment I saw your face I just knew...

You, you make all my dreams come true

An angel smiled at me, the finest thing I’ve seen

Baby you, you make all my dreams come true

A shining star I see, that heaven sent to me

That heaven sent to me

I’ve been ignored, I’ve been decieved

I hardly enjoyed the goals I achieved

And what’s the meaning of success that you can’t share

Although I’m used to be apart

I’ll never get used to a broken heart

But when I see you I gladly take that risk again...

You, you make all my dreams come true

An angel smiled at me, the finest thing I’ve seen

Baby you, you make all my dreams come true

A shining star I see, that heaven sent to me

That heaven sent to me



I fell in love with you today

I fell in love when I first saw you

And I hope you’ll see me too

And if you don’t I do understand

And that is okay but I have never felt this way...

You, you make all my dreams come true

An angel smiled at me, the finest thing I’ve seen

Baby you, you make all my dreams come true

A shining star I see, that heaven sent to me

That heaven sent to me



You, you make all my dreams come true

I hope and I believe

That we are meant to be

Turn Your Lights Down Low

Turn your lights down low

And pull your window curtains;

Oh, let Jah moon come shining in -

Into our life again,

Sayin’: ooh, it’s been a long, long (long, long, long, long) time;

I kept this message for you, girl,

But it seems I was never on time;

Still I wanna get through to you, girlie,

On time - on time.

I want to give you some love (good, good lovin’);

I want to give you some good, good lovin’ (good, good lovin’).

Oh, I - oh, I - oh, I,

Say, I want to give you some good, good lovin’ (good, good lovin’):

Turn your lights down low;

Never try to resist, oh no!

Oh, let my love come tumbling in -

Into our life again,

Sayin’: ooh, I love ya!

And I want you to know right now,

I love ya!

And I want you to know right now,

’Cause I - that I -

I want to give you some love, oh-ooh!

I want to give you some good, good lovin’;

Oh, I - I want to give you some love;

Sayin’: I want to give you some good, good lovin’:

Turn your lights down low, wo-oh!

Never - never try to resist, oh no!

Ooh, let my love - ooh, let my love come tumbling in -

Into our life again.

Oh, I want to give you some good, good lovin’ (good, good lovin’).

2、《Breakthrough》- 蜕变


全新创作专辑《Breakthrough》蔻比更显蜕变后的成熟,深入剖析情感关系中的快乐、悲伤、分手与不知所措的心情。首支单曲《Fallin For You》洋溢着夏日风情,装满她坠入情网的喜悦,发行首周恶升全美热门单曲榜Top12,写下她出道以来最棒的首周排行成绩。蔻比喜欢从男生的观点揣摩爱恋心情,像《Fearless》就以男友角度描述他不会因心碎恋情而对未来的恋情产生重伤害,蔻比也从听闻的人生故事中寻找创作题材,像《Breakin At The Cracks》来自她父母熟识的一位好友,同一时间遭遇丧母、爱犬死亡、父亲与老公相继过世的打击,蔻比在巡回演唱期间得知不禁潸然泪下,拿起吉他便写下这首描述跳脱绝望、重启人生的感人之作。标题曲《Break Through》是关于她的好友亟欲突破父女关系的心情,蔻比也藉此勉励自己与所有乐迷要勇于突破人生关卡。蔻比与莱美奖提名创作才子Jason Mraz携手合写、合唱的全美抒情榜Top10单曲《Lucky》,是让人越听越入迷的可爱小品。



01 I Won’t 不再

02 Begin Again 重新爱过

03 You Got Me 你懂我

04 Fallin’For you 爱上你了

05 Rainbow 彩虹

06 Droplets Feat Jason Reeves 小雨滴

07 I Never Told You 不曾说出口

08 Fearless 爱无惧

09 Runnin Around 寻觅

10 Break Through 挣脱

11 It Stops Todag 到此为止

12 Breakin’at The Cracks 碎裂

13 Lncky (feat.Jason Mraz) 幸运儿


凭借在iTunes和MySpace的成功,来自美国加州的流行女歌手蔻比凯蕾(Colbie Caillat)的处女专辑《Coco》 一经发行便得到了很多歌迷的关注。在美国上市第一周,这张《Coco》共售出5万1千张。200专辑榜中跻身前五名。Colbie Caillat的主打单曲《Bubbly》在iTunes的“本周免费单曲”行列中可以下载到,而本张专辑在数字下载商店中的售价目前也只有不到八美元。告示牌乐评称她为:u2018女生版的杰克强森u2019、专业音乐网站AMG给予四颗星高评价,还盛赞:u2018 这是一个比Norah Jones更轻盈明亮的悦耳作品。u2019在这个商业行销手法凌驾音乐本质,以及词曲创作被所谓的芭乐公式限制住的现在,蔻比的出现为当代流行乐坛注入无比清新的氧气。












【Worf 音乐奖】



Colbie Caillat穿惊艳红色透视裙亮相

2014年1月27日早6点,当地时间1月26日,第56届格莱美颁奖礼(56th GRAMMY Awards )在洛杉矶斯坦普斯中心举行,Colbie Caillat穿惊艳红色透视裙亮相,大秀火辣身材。

Colbie Caillat





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