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当前位置:首页 - 名人 - 瑞士 - 皮特·马韦
皮特·马韦(Peter Marvey),别名马飞,瑞士人,世界著名魔术大师。代表作品有:北京“梦幻飞行”表演。


Peter Marvey was born in Zurich in 1971. He has been fascinated with magic ever since his early childhood. He soon became aware of his talent for this art and invested all his time and energy for it. True to the principle u201eeverything is possible" he was caught doing finger practice under his desk at school. Later on Peter Marvey interrupted his studies to become an architect for his magical passion because he was having more success with it than he had ever dared to dream. Several international juries, prominent people from show business, and even the royal family of Monaco have awarded his art with the highest prizes.

  Peter Marvey is a NightOwl, as it is the night that often inspires him. He likes to travel to distant and tropical places. He also likes the wild sea and lonely beaches, mysterious forests, but also the pulse of the big city.

  His favorite meals are green Thai curry and sushi.

  He enjoys taking pictures and watching movies, especially comedies.

  Modern dream houses and ghostly castles with secret passages fascinate him


皮特 .马韦是世界著名魔术大师,瑞士人。他在国际魔坛上获得极高的荣誉。他的突出特点是:才华横溢。当他意识到自己在魔术方面的天赋和悟性后,便放弃了大学建筑专业,把全部精力都投入到魔术创作上。他擅长音乐、舞蹈、肢体语言、表演技巧,精通实验发明、灯光照明技术、建筑平面图设计、服装设计、图表绘画和道具制作,并在心理学、机械学、组织学、后勤学研究等方面都有很深的造诣。知识和才华使得他更具有气质和魅力,他金发碧眼、英俊潇洒,舞台上他温文尔雅、亲切迷人。他表演的《梦幻飞行》是魔术有史以来技巧最高的飞行魔术,其技巧难度超过了大卫。科波菲尔的飞行表演。此外,他还表演《魔术之手》、《观众升空》、《致命的诱惑》、《奇异的变化》等。他全部的幻术表演都是他本人亲自设计并且制作的,因此是世界上独一无二的。他曾获蒙特卡洛国际魔术比赛《金魔棒》奖和大师级的“莫林奖”。






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