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美国土木工程师学会(ASCE) 会员













Project management, Sustainable construction, Sustainable urban development, risk management for construction and real estate, Corporate competitiveness and Competitive strategies


(1)创会主席,中华建设管理研究会;(2)学会资深会员,英国特许建造师学会(FCIOB);(3)学会会员,美国土木工程师学会(MASCE);(4)资深会员,香港科技协进会;(5)主编(创刊主编),International Journal of Construction Management;(6)荣誉顾问,香港科技学院,2001-2003;(7)编委,International Journal of Project Organiztion and Management(IJPOM),2007-2009;(8)编委,Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building(AJCEB),2010-至今;(9)荣誉教授,澳大利亚肯迪大学建筑与土木工程学院科技系,2007-2010。



1) Shen L Y, Barbara Y P Leung, and Jane J L Hao (2010) Construction and Real Estate Practice in China, University Press, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, ISBN 978-962-367-692-2, pp.238;

2) Shen L Y, Lu Weisheng and Fan Linda (2009) Strategic Management, University Press, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, ISBN 978-962-367-672-4, pp.210;

3) Zhao Zhen-yu and Shen Li-Yin (2009) The Chinese Construction Enterprises u2013 International Competitiveness, Flexible Strategy, Case Study, China Construction Industry Publications, ISBN 7978-7-112-10559-5, pp.182;

4) Shen L Y, Ye K H and Deng X P (2006) Competitiveness for Contractor, China Construction Industry Publications, ISBN 7-112-08337-0, pp.257;

5) Yin Yi Lin and Shen L Y (2002) Comparative studies on project cost management between China Mainland and Hong Kong, Nan Kai University Press, China, pp.330, 7-310-01643-2;

6) Shen L Y, Zeng S X, Wang F and Ge C B (1999) Management for Real Estate Building Project, China Planning Publications, ISBN 7-80058-734-7, pp.276;

7) Shen L Y & Xu Chong Lu (1997) Construction Procurement Management and Practice in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0973-5, pp.186 (The publication is based on the studies from one of my RGC projects ’Procurement Practice in China’);

8) Shen L Y, Chan H W, Xu C L (1999) Construction Tendering and Contract Administration in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-1023-7, pp.167 (The publication is based on the studies from the RGC projects ’Procurement Practice in China’);

9) Shen L Y & Yu M X (1996) Risks in Real Estate Market Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0855-0 (This book is based on the research studies ’Risk Management in the Chinese Real Estate Market’), pp.247;

10) Fisher N & Shen L Y (1992) Information Management within a Contractor - a Model for the Flow of Data Thomas Telford Publications, U.K., ISBN 0-7277-1666-2 (This book is based on the research studies ’information management system for construction companies’), pp.260.


1) SHEN L Y, OCHOA Jorge, ZHANG Xiaoling and WU Yuzhe (2012) "Experience Mining for Decision Making on Implementing Sustainable Urbanization u2013 An Innovative Approach" Automation in Construction (in press) (SCI indexed)

2) SHEN L Y, KONG X F and YUAN H P (2012) "Paradoxical phenomenon in urban renewal practices: promotion of sustainable construction versus buildings’ short lifespan" International Journal of Strategic Property Management (in press) (SSCI indexed)

3) Li-yin SHEN, Wei-Sheng Lu, Yi Peng and Shi-Jie Jiang (2011) "Critical Assessment indicators for measuring benefits of rural infrastructure investment in China", Journal of Infrastructure Systesm, ASCE, Vol.17, No.4, 176-183 (SCI index).

4) Shen L Y, Jiang Shijie and H P Yuan (2011) "Critical Indicators for Assessing the Contribution of Infrastructure Projects to Coordinated Urban-rural Development in China", Habitat International, 36(2), 237-246. (SSCI index)

5) Liyin SHEN, Yi Peng, Xiaoling Zhang and Yuzhe Wu (2012) "An alternative model for evaluating sustainable urbanization, Cities, 29(1), 32-39. (SSCI index)

6) Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, ChengShuang Sun and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) "Development of an information exchange model for attaining sustainability", International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.10, No.2, 153-168.

7) Li-yin Shen, Yuzhe Wu and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) "Key Assessment Indicators (KAIs) for the Sustainability of Infrastructure Projects", Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, June, Vol.137, No.6, 441-451. (SCI index)

8) L Y Shen, J Jorge Ochoa, Mona N Shah and X L Zhang (2011) "The Application of Urban Sustainability Indicators u2013 A Comparison between Various Practices", Habitat International, 35, 17-29. (SSCI index)

9) Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) "Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.18, Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index)

10) Li-yin Shen, Vivian Wing-yan Tam and Chao-yang Li (2009) "Benefit analysis on replacing in suit concreting with precast slabs for temporary construction works in pursuing sustainable construction practice", Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 53 (2009), 145-148. (SCI, EI index)

11) Shen L Y, Song S C, Hao J L and Tam W Y Vivian (2008) "Collaborative management among project participants towards sustainable construction" Open Construction and Building Technology Journal 2008, 2, 59-68.

12) Shen L Y, Hao J L, Tam W T Vivian, and Yao H (2007) "A checklist for assessing sustainability performance of construction projects" Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 13(4), 273-281. (SCI index)

13) Shen L Y, Bao H J, Wu Y Z and Lu W S (2007) ’Using Bargaining-game Theory for Negotiating Concession Period for BOT Type Project’, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 133, No. 5, 385-392. (SCI index)

14) Shen L Y, Platten A and Deng X P (2006) ’Role of public private partnerships to manage risks in public sector projects in Hong Kong, International Journal of Project Management, 24(2006), 587-594. (EI index)

15) Shen L Y, Zhao Z Y and Drew D (2006) ’Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) for Foreign-Invested Construction Enterprises: a China Study’, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol.132, No.9, 966-976. (SCI index)

16) Shen L Y, Yao H and Griffith A (2006) ’Improving environmental performance by means of empowerment of contractors’, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol.17, No.3, 242-257.

17) Shen L Y, Lu W S, Yam C H Michael (2006) ’Contractor Key Competitiveness Indicators (KCIs): A China Study’, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 4, 416-424. (SCI index)

18) Shen L Y, Lu W S, Yao H and Wu D H (2005) ’A computer-based scoring method for measuring the environmental performance of construction activities’, Automation in Construction, AIC Special Issue, 14 (3), 297-309. (SCI index)

19) Shen L Y and Wu Y Z (2005) ’Risk Concession Model for Build Operate Transfer Contract Projects’ Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ASCE, Vol.131, No.2, 211-220. (SCI index)

20) Shen L Y, Wu Y Z, Edwin Chan H W and Hao J L (2005) ’Application of system dynamics for assessment of sustainable performance of construction projects’, Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 6 (4), 339-349. (SCI Index)

21) Shen L Y, Li Q M, Drew D and Shen Q P (2004) ’Awarding construction contracts on multi-criteria basis in China’ Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ASCE, Vol. 130, No.3, 385-394. (SCI index)

22) Shen L Y, Tam W Y, Tam C M and Drew D (2004) ’Mapping approach for examining waste management on construction site’ Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ASCE, Vol.130, No.4, 472-482. (SCI index)

23) Shen L Y, Lu W S, Li H and Shen Q P (2003) "Computer-aided decision support system for assessing contractor’s competitiveness", Automation in Construction Vol.12, No.5, 577-587. (SCI index)

24) Shen L Y, Li Q M and Li H (2002) ’Alternative concession model for BOT-contract project’, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ASCE, 128(4), 326-331. (SCI index)

25) Shen L Y and Tam W Y (2002) ’Implementation of environmental management in the Hong Kong construction industry’, International Journal of Project Management, 20(7), 535-543. (EI index)

26) Shen L Y, Wu W C, Ng S K (2001) ’Risk Assessment for Construction Joint Ventures in China’ Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ASCE, 127(1), 76-82. (SCI index)

27) Shen L Y, Drew D, Zhang Z H (1999) ’Optimal Bid Model for Price-Time Bi-parameter Construction Contracts’ Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 3, pp.204-209. (SCI index)

28) Shen L Y & Song W (1998) ’Competitive Tendering Practice in Chinese Construction’ Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ASCE, Vol.124, No.2, pp.155-161. (SCI index)

29) Shen L Y (1997) ’Project Risk Management in Hong Kong’ International Journal of Project Management Vol.15, No.2, pp.101-107. (SCI Index)

30) Shen L Y; Lee K H & Zhang Z H (1996) ’Application of BOT System for Infrastructure Projects in China’, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol.122, No.4, pp.319-324. (SCI index) .



1) Project Leader (2010-2012), ’Investigation on the relationships of competition intensity with sustainability performance in construction industry’

2) Project Leader (2008 u2013 2010), ’An index system for evaluating coordinated development of infrastructure in urban and rural areas: a case study of Chongqing Municipality’

3) Project Leader (1998 u2013 2000), ’Strategic Studies on the Sustainable Development of Construction Industry’

4) Project Leader (2001-2003), ’Project Environmental Management Information’

5) Project Leader (2009 u2013 2011), ’Establishing a knowledge system for sustainable urbanization research (KSSUR)’

6) Project Leader (2008 u2013 2010), ’An IT support system for assessing and communicating project sustainability’

7) Project Leader (2008 u2013 2009), ’Strategies for mitigating emissions in construction towards sustainable development goals’

8) Project Leader (2008 u2013 2009), ’Measuring Green Innovation Performance Contributing Contractors’ Competitiveness’

9) Project Leader (2007 u2013 2009), ’Assessing the contributions from implementing sustainable environmental practice to maintaining and improving contractors’ competitiveness in densely populated cities’

10) Project Leader (2006 u2013 2008), "A Study to the Method for Assessing the Contribution of Construction Project to Sustainable Development Across Project Life Cycle"

11) Project Leader (2006 u2013 2008), ’Establishing an information flow mapping model within project team for enabling effective implementation of sustainable construction practice across project life cycle’

12) Project Leader (2005 u2013 2007), ’Establishing a sustainability-performance factor-checklist for evaluating construction project’

13) Project Leader (2003-2004), ’Evaluation of Risk Management in Implementing Public Sector Projects’ (HK$80,000) (A/C: A-PE22).

14) Project Leader (2002-2003), ’Mechanism for analyzing the impacts of China’s WTO entry to the development of construction and real estate in China Mainland and Hong Kong’

15) Project Leader (2000-2002), ’The development of key performance indicators to measure both the level and the rate of process improvement in managing construction projects in China’

16) Project Leader (1999-2001), ’Strategic study for sustainable construction in China Mainland and Hong Kong

17) Project Leader (1997-1998), ’Computer-based risk appraisal system for construction and real estate projects’

18) Project Leader (1996-1998), ’Comparative Study of Legal Control on Project Development between China and Hong Kong’

19) Project Leader (1996), ’Simulation Method for Predicting Real Estate Market’

20) Project Leader (1995-1997), ’China’s Procurement Systems under Socialist Market Economy’

21) Project Leader (1995-1996), ’The feasibility study of using B.O.T system in China’

22) Project Leader (1994-1995), ’Risk Management in Chinese Real Estate Market’

23) Project Leader (1993-1995), ’The relation between productivity and management policies within construction companies’

24) Project Leader (1992-1993), ’A study into tendering opportunities for overseas contractors in China’ 。


1) Sustainable construction and urban development。 





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